Short erotic fiction: What Happens in Vegas, Part 3
The other parts of this story can be found here. The shower she led me to felt heavenly. The slime rinsed away, but the feelings it elicited, didn’t. It was as if whatever chemical magic was in that oil and weird liquid had seeped into every pore, filling me with an intense, undeniable ache for…
Erotic short fiction: The Unlucky Day Party
I sat on the counter, sipping on my beer bottle and watching the party happen around me. People milled in and out of the kitchen, but I was here only for one person. It was an interesting concept, I thought, when I had received the invitation. A party on Friday the 13th — a chance…
Erotic short fiction: Owning the Fuck Hole
He owns her body, and now he wants to take that ownership to the next level.
Erotic Short Fiction: The Spanking Date, Part 2
The other parts of this story can be found here. The closer arm was broken on the door leading out of the coffee shop, and I caught it before the wind took it. It was a big metal thing that was never supposed to have been for customers; you could never see if anyone was…
Erotic short fiction: Dare to Take a Nude Hike
I’m nothing if not suggestible. Frighteningly so, some days. Like today, when I was happily minding my own business, watching porn and edging, when I came across a set of videos of a girl who was hiking… naked. The videos had very nice titles, punctuated with RISKY or ALMOST CAUGHT or something of the like.…
Short erotic fiction: What Happens in Vegas, Part 2
The other parts of this story can be found here. I was dimly aware of being carried. Hands underneath my arms and knees, big hands. Everything felt so good, like every part of my skin had been made into an erogenous zone. My toes went first into the bath, which was a huge marble…
Short Erotic Fiction: What Happens in Vegas
Let’s go to Vegas, she said. It’ll be fun, she said. Maybe I just don’t know how to have fun. My best friend, on the other hand, was immediately captured by the swirling gravity of the blinking, beeping machines. But, then again, I’ve never been much of a gambler — I figure, if I’m going…