Help: Women aren’t meant to be sex objects.

Question: How can you publish this content? Women aren’t meant to be sex toys. They’re not objects. Women should be respected.

Answer: I agree with you. Women aren’t meant to be sex toys, and they should be respected.

But, has it occurred to you that some women might want to be treated like sex toys, sometimes? That they might choose and ask to have this experience?

Because it’s… hot?

Blanket statements like the above hurt women, because it takes away our agency. Look: sex, brains, and the intersection of the two are complicated af. But if you start telling me that my (or any other woman’s, for that matter) sexual desires are wrong, what have you accomplished?

I’ll give you a hint, and it’s not ‘respect.’

Now, I get it. What you’re seeing and reading might not immediately strike you as empowering. But to explore alternative experiences in a safe and consentual environment is exactly that.

Repeat it with me: consent. Consent, consent, consent.

Some women might want to be sex toys for their partner(s). As long as she gives enthusiastic and ongoing consent to this experience, who the fuck are you to judge? Who gave you the right to tell her that what whats her girl bits tingle is dirty and wrong and awful?

How dare you.

How dare you take away her choice.

Regardless of what your monkey brain is screaming at you, we do not and should not live in a world where everyone thinks and feels the same way. Just because you think something is wrong, doesn’t make it wrong. I realize that this leads to some morally gray areas — but life’s just not that simple. And when you think that it is — you’re just kidding yourself.

People don’t fit into neat little boxes. Sometimes those boxes turn into caverns with entire underground ecosystems.

That’s okay.

…As long as it is a conscious choice. Everyone has the duty of introspection.

The most respectful thing you can do for women (or anyone, really) is to allow them the freedom of choice, and freedom from your judging attitudes.

Photo by Hanna Postova on Unsplash

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