Erotic Fiction: The Tease Lounge Gentlemen’s Club

It seemed like an odd thing to require for a new dancer.

Zinnia ran her fingers over the cool metal of her new chastity belt. Inside, nestled snugly against her clit, hummed a tiny vibrator. It wasn’t very powerful, just a soft, constant reminder of her sex. She squirmed. They had only put the belt on her an hour ago, but already is was hard for her to concentrate on anything but her pussy.

“As I was saying.” The women behind the desk — Ms Lydia, Zinnia remembered — cleared her throat. She narrowed her dark eyes at the newest recruit. “As I was saying, the belt will stay on 24/7 through your introductory period here at the Tease Lounge. At that time, your performance will be evaluated and your continued employment will be discussed. This was, of course, covered in the terms and conditions documentation that you signed last week.”

Zinnia squirmed under the woman’s reproachful eye. She spoke like she wouldn’t take any bullshit.

If the Tease Lounge weren’t the best place to work in the entire metropolitan area, Zinnia wouldn’t even be sitting here. And especially not with this barbaric device strapped around her hips. But it was the best place. They paid three times what any other strip club would paid, plus they had insurance and a profit sharing plan. Every dancer, every bartender, every waitress in a hundred mile radius wanted to work here.

But it came with a catch.

She looked down at the belt again. Oh, yeah — it came with a catch, all right.

“… Report for work and go straight to the shower rooms. Our attendents will clean you and the belt, and make sure everything’s in working order.” Lydia swept her long dark hair over her shoulders, and Zinnia couldn’t help but watch, entranced. It looked so soft, she just wanted to touch it. Inside her belt, her clit twitched.

“Okay,” the girl said.

“It’s ‘Yes, Ms Lydia.’ Do you understand?”

Zinnia blushed. “Yes, Ms Lydia.” Her cunt pulsed.

“Good girl. Now, as we discussed last week, the job opening is for an anal girl.”

The soft vibrations continued to tease. “Yes, Ms Lydia.”

Lydia smiled, and it reminded Zinnia of how a hawk must look at a mouse. “You’re a quick little study, aren’t you? That’ll serve you well here.”

Zinnia hardly slept the next night, she was so nervous. And, of course, the constant, low-level vibrations from underneath the steel straps of the belt. As she walked through the back door of the lounge, a group of girls — also belted — walked past her.

“…And then instead of my mouth, he came on my face, and the damn software wouldn’t even count it!” one of the girls said.

“That’s, like, such a bummer. Sometimes the customers are just mean,” her friend replied.

The first girl sighed. “I think they do it on purpose.”

Zinnia frowned, as she walked into the gleaming tiled shower room. She hoped her custromers weren’t mean.

“Hey, you must be the new girl!” A fiery redhead with countless tiny freckles on her face grinned at her. “I’m Trixie.” She held out her hand.

“Yeah, I guess I am the new girl. I’m Zinnia.”

She shook the other girl’s hand, pleased at how not-nervous she sounded. From the fluttering of the butterflies in her stomach, she certainly didn’t feel that way.

Trixie smiled. “That’s a pretty name. Now, let’s get you all set up. You’re going to do great tonight.” She had the kind of voice that inspired confidence, and Zinnia felt immediately more at ease.

“There you go,” the girl said, leading her to a table near the back of the room. It had cradles for her ankles, like an examination table at a gynecologist’s office.

“What are those?” Zinnia asked, pointing to the leather straps dangling from each cradle. She slipped out of her clothes and placed them on a hook on the wall.

Trixie started the water running from a showerhead next to the table, and gathered a number of bottles from the cabinets around them. “Restraints,” she said.


“We don’t have to use them right away, if you don’t want to. But the further the girls get into their introductory period, the most helpful they become.”

Zinnia’s heart thudded in her chest. “What do you mean?”

What had she gotten herself into?

Trixie cocked her head to the side and grinned. “Are you curious?”

Zinnia looked at the straps, and her cunt pulsed under the teasing vibrations of the belt. She blushed.

“You are!” Trixie giggled. “You naughtly little thing. I can already tell that you’re going to be very popular out on the floor.” She leaned in close and whispered conspitorially. “Keep that blush, girl. That’s a moneymaker, right there.”

That only made Zinnia blush harder.

“Come on, I’ll give you the full experience today. Straps and all.” The smile was wide across the girl’s face, and it was infectious.

Zinnia smiled back. “Okay, let’s do it.”

Trixie laid her back on the table and helped her situate her legs into the padded cradles.

As the straps tightened around her ankles, Zinnia felt the cool air against the skin of her thighs. She tried to close them, but found it to be impossible. The buzzing against her clit intensified for a couple of seconds, and her eyes widened as a needy moan escaped her throat.

As Trixie fiddled with a computer on the counter, the belt clicked unlocked. “Alright, let’s see how you’re doing.” Her eyes scanned the data on the screen. “You know, for only having the belt on for a couple of days, you’re doing great. Your readings are perfect.”

“Readings?” Zinnia asked, as Trixie wiggled the steel belt off of her. It might have been degrading, having this woman so clinically examining her, if she hadn’t been so terribly aroused.

“Yeah, the belt is covered with little electrodes on the inside. It lets me monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature….” She paused. “Didn’t Ms Lydia explain this to you?”

Zinnia remembered sitting in Ms Lydia’s office that first day, amazed that she had even gotten an interview at this posh club. She may have not paid very close attention to the details. “Yeah, I… I think so.”

“Right, so you know all this already.” Trixie took the showerhead and moved the water over the girl’s pussy, eliciting a moan. “Feels good, doesn’t it? You’re already so swollen down here, I can tell how needy you are.”

Zinnia could only moan her agreement. Trixie worked her fingers between the wet folds of her pussy, and all semblence of rational thought vanished. She bucked her hips against the other woman’s fingers.

“Well that’ll never do.” The redhead brought another strap over her hipbones and cinched it tight. “There. That’s better.”

The soft spray of the water continued, along with Trixie’s teasing fingering.

She poured a drop of something from one of the bottles and worked it in.

Zinnia moaned, pulling against the straps that held her fast. It all felt so good, she thought she was going to lose her mind. “Please, I need to cum.”

Trixie laughed, and brought the spray back over her pussy. “I’m afraid not. You don’t know what Ms Lydia would do to me, if I let any of the girls cum.” Once she was rinsed off, Trixie carefully dried her off. “I mean, she did tell you that, right? That you can’t cum while you’re in your introductory period working here?”

It was so hard to think. So hard to remember. Maybe Ms Lydia had mentioned it, but the whole interview was a blur. She had just been so excited, felt so lucky just to be there. “Maybe… yes…” Zinnia whispered.

“Hmm, I might have to have a discussion with her, just to make sure you girls know what you’re getting yourself into.” She said it like she was talking to herself, any more than Zinnia. “Now, last step, and then we can get you all belted in again and you can head to the dressing rooms.”

She popped a drop of liquid out of a different bottle and began working it into Zinnia’s pussy. Immediately, a trickle of heat blossomed in her sex, making moan desperately. As Trixie worked the product up and around and over her clit, her need became a thing unto itself, a desperate ache between her legs.

Zinnia let out a keening wail. “Please, please Trixie… Please, fuck. I need it. I need to cum.”

“Mmm hmm, of course you do. Do you like the arousal gel? I designed it myself. Deliciously powerful.” She brought the belt back over.

The panting, moaning girl’s eyes got wide.

“No, please… you can’t. You can’t leave me like this.” She tried to squirm away, but the restraints held her still. “Please…”

That cherbic grin on Trixie’s face suddenly appeared much more sinister. “I look forward to the next night you’re scheduled, Zinnia.” She clicked the lock shut again and began unfastening the straps holding her to the table.

Zinnia wanted to cry. “Please… fuck, I’ve never felt an ache like this.”

Trixie laughed, and the sound of it shivered down Zinnia’s spine. “Just imagine what you’re going to feel like at the end of your introductory period.”

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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