Erotic short fiction: Rock Star, Chapter 2

A lunch date, with a surprise ending.

The other chapters of this story can be found here.


Looking into his eyes from across the table, I already knew I was in trouble.

Not the sort of trouble that was like… trouble trouble, but damn. This man was fucking beautiful.

What’s the worst that can happen? Fuck me. Why did I think I could do this?

I watched his mouth move, the line of his lips was like a tease all in itself. I thought of those lips tracing the down the inside of my thigh, and I squirmed. His breath would be hot, and his teeth would be sharp.

As I watched his lips and fantasized, his voice filled the space in between us. It was softer than I would have expected; lyrical, almost. The sound was smooth, like good bourbon. I imagined that the heat of it would pool in my throat in the same way.

Thoughts of him in my throat invaded my brain. Fuck. I could feel my pussy dripping already.

“Eliza. Have you heard a thing that I’ve said?” His smile broadened, like he knew the kind of effect he was having.

I felt myself start to blush, and I looked at the table. How much truth should I tell him?

“Sorry, I’m a bit… umm, distracted.” I looked back up at him.

He dipped his head to the side and studied me, one of those perfect spiral curls falling across his forehead.

It took an active force of will not to reach across the table and touch it.

Fuck. This was so much harder than I imagined that it would be.

“What’s got you so distracted?” He dragged a finger across his jaw.

That. Fucking that right there.

I licked my lips. How much truth?

All the truth. “You. You are so distracting.”

His impossibly pale eyes became happy, thin crescents. “Really.”

He reached across the table and ran his fingers over my knuckles. I couldn’t help it, but a tiny shiver rippled through my shoulders. I swear I could feel my pupils dilating. This wasn’t fair.

He slid his whole hand to cover mine. Heat. He was so warm. “Your hands are cold,” he said.

I sucked on my bottom lip. “My blood is… elsewhere.” And, as if on cue, my pussy clenched, reminding me just how hot and eager it was. I imagined his fingers sliding into me, his lips around my clit, teasing me right to the edge of orgasm. In my head, I could already hear my needy begging and all the filthy things I would offer him, just so he would push me over that edge.

He laughed, and it felt like velvet against my skin.

Well, hell if that didn’t make it worse.

It I wasn’t careful, he was going to turn me into a panting bitch, sitting across from him at this restaurant.

“Hmm,” he started, smoothing out his features into something that may have been contemplative. “Elsewhere.” He paused, his eyes looking more and more innocent by the second. “Like where?”

I could feel my shoulders rise and fall. This so wasn’t fair. “I thought we were just going to have lunch.”

“We are.”

I turned my palm up, and he traced the lines on my hand with his fingertip. I closed my eyes. “Fuck,” I whispered. “You’re teasing me.”

He nodded. “And that.”

“Why?” My voice sounded too breathy.

“Because I’ve been watching you blush for the past twenty minutes. I’m pretty sure someone at the other end of this building can see your nipples through your shirt. You keep biting your bottom lip, and it makes me want to suck it in my mouth, too.”

I felt my eyes widen.

Fuck lunch.

“We should get out of here,” I said, before I could talk myself out of it.

Now, I got to watch his pupils swallow up his diamond irises.

“What about our tacos?” he asked.

“We’ll get them to go. Let’s take a walk, rock star.”

Ten minutes later, we were walking in the shade of ancient cottonwoods, the skittering of the leaves sounding so much like rain. Tufts of short green grass grew in the sometimes-sunlight of the park’s pathway.

The silence between us wasn’t oppressive, but I still missed the sound of his voice. I looked up at him. He had put on a pair of dark Wayfarers and an unzipped jacket, and gods, he looked cool.

I hoped that the skirt and tight top I had worn were having half as much effect on him as he was having on me.

“Which do you like better, cake or pie?” I asked. The question was random.

He looked at me. “Pie, obviously.”

“Favorite kind?”

He grinned. “Cream pie.”

A needy little noise escaped my throat, thinking about those two words.

He laughed. “Glad to hear it’s your favorite kind too.”

“That’s not fair at all,” I whispered. “At all.” Dammit.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me off the path, back to a bench mostly obscured by the trees. He sat us both down, pulling me to to straddle his hips. I drew in a breath and ground myself against him.

“Eager,” he said.

I blushed. “Ridiculously eager.”

“Wonderful,” he said.

Wonderful. The word echoed in my head.

I swear that this was not where I expected this lunch date to go.

Fuck it. I decided I was going to go for it. I was already way out of my depth.

“Can I ask another question?” I leaned in closer to him.

“What’s up?”

“Top or bottom?”

He cocked his head to the side. “Top bunk, definitely.”

I laughed, I couldn’t help it. “That’s not… exactly what I meant.” I brought my lips closer to his, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath.

He closed the distance between us, brushing the softness of his mouth against mine. “100% switch. You?”

I kissed him back, softly. “Mostly sub, I’d say maybe 80% of the time.”

“Wonderful.” He scooped his hands under my ass. “So you like being told what to do?”

I grinned. “I always being a good girl. Well… more or less.”

“Fuck.” That one word was breathy. “What if I told you to get on your knees right now?”

I glanced around us. The park was deserted, and we were at the farthest end. Still, I wanted to see how far he play with me. “In public?” I asked, finding my most innocent expression.

He wrapped his fingers through my hair and squeezed, forcing me to look at him. An excited moan escaped my lips. I knew my panties were going to be a lost cause, as I watched the wolfish smile spread across his face.

“Fuck,” I said, quiet as a promise. Please, please do it.

“Get on your knees, or I’m going to have to spank that pretty round ass.”

Hot, slippery moisture dripped down the inside of my thighs.

I looked at him. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Rico.”

His grip tightened, and I squeaked.

“Mmm, slutty little thing. You want a spanking like the naughty girl you are?”

Why lie? “Yesss, please.”

He released my hair and unhooked my thighs from where they were clamped around his waist. I let him push me down to my knees in the dirt in between his legs.

“Fuck, you look good down there,” he said as he unbuttoned his jeans.

Warmth puddled between my pussy lips, as I watched the movement of his fingers. Every motion was smooth and practiced, totally self-assured. I wondered what it would take to fracture that perfect motion, to make him beg.

Maybe I did need a spanking.

He took out his cock, long and thick. I licked my lips as he rubbed his palm over it.

“Want it?” he asked.

I nodded. “Please, yes please.” I no longer cared that we were in public, or that someone could walk by at at moment. I needed him in my mouth.

“Slut.” He grinned down at me.

I mewled and squirmed. Fuck. He was right, of course, but I never tired of hearing it.

“Here’s what you’re going to do,” he said. “You’re going to suck my cock, and I’m going to cum in that pretty mouth of yours.”

I nodded eagerly.

“And then,” he continued, “you’re going to hold my cum in your mouth until you get home. I want a picture with that mess around your tongue.”

My pussy dripped and clenched. This so wasn’t fair.

“And if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you a nice spanking next time.”

Next time?

Now it was my turn to grin. “Fuck yes. Deal.”

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

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