Erotic short fiction: Reminding Her of Who She Is

As soon as he shut the front door behind us and we were safely back inside of our own house, he grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around, slamming me against the wall.  Pressed there between his body, my breath caught.  Sometimes I forget how much bigger and stronger he is. 

His lips traced across my ear and down my jaw bone.  “You were so incredibly sexy tonight, doll.”  He snaked his fingers up through my hair and squeezed. 

I whimpered.  

He tightened his grip, and I let a hiss escape through my teeth.  “You’re not mad?” I asked. 

His voice betrayed the smile on his lips, though in the darkness I had no hope of seeing it.  “No.  Fuck, no.  You were beautiful to watch.”  His other hand came up and wrapped around my throat, pressing against my windpipe.  “All the pussy I fucked tonight, helped, too.” 

We had just come back from our first swingers party.  It had been marvelous. 

“Then… why?”  Talking around the constriction on my neck was a challenge.  

He kissed my lips, and they felt cool against his own.  “Why am I about to punish you, then?” 

I was out of oxygen.   I nodded. 

“Because…”  He kissed me again, and I could feel my eyes bulge in the dark of our foyer.  “You’re mine, and I can.” 

He let go just as I felt the spiraling pangs of unconsciousness take hold.  My knees buckled as I took in big gulps of air, wincing as he held me aloft by my hair.  “I don’t understand…” I choked out. 

And his fingers were right back around my throat.  There hadn’t been enough time to recover; my lungs burned. 

I tried to shift in his grip, but he held me fast.  

“I’m not angry with you, kitten.”  He pulled my head to the side and placed a gentle kiss on my neck.  “Fuck, you were so goddamn hot.  I love watching you get fucked like the whore I know you are.” 

Even with the smoldering coals in my chest, I couldn’t help but clench as he laid kisses along the side of my neck.  

“But you’re my whore.”  He let go of my throat and my hair, and I crumpled to the ground in front of him.  “And I want you to remember that.” 

My chest heaved as waves of dizziness overtook me, and I was thankful for the solidness of the floor beneath me.  I thought of all the cocks I had fucked tonight, and there was a not-small part of me that was excited about his reminder.

He switched on the lamp on the sideboard, and his black dress shoes filled my vision.  Tentatively, I lifted my head toward him, still trying to suck in enough air to regain my composure.  From this vantage point, he looked impossibly tall, impossibly big.  

He smiled down at me, and it wasn’t a nice smile. 

I shivered.  

“Beg me,” he said.  “Beg me to remind you who you belong to.” 

 My arms shook as I hoisted myself onto my hands and knees.  I lowered my lips to his shoe, placing a gentle kiss there.  “Please…” I whispered.  “Please remind me that I’m your whore.”  I drew my tongue over the leather, blushing in my self-appointed debasement. 

“Filthy little thing.  You need this more than you need fucking.”  He tilted his foot back on his heel, exposing the sole.  “Don’t you?” 

A wave of hot humiliation roiled through my body. 

I nodded, dragging my tongue over the dirty grooves.  It was salty and bitter, and it made me gag.  

“Fucking pathetic slut.  Tell me what you want me to do to you.  Tell me how I should punish you.” 

“Beat me,” I said, as I continued to lick the bottom of his shoe.  My tongue hit a lump of something and my stomach revolted, making me recoil against the wall.  I felt the first tear trail down my cheek.  “Please, punish me.  Remind me.  Hurt me… please.  Make me cry for you.” 

I watched his foot rear back, and my brain refused to process what was about to happen. 

So I was doubly horrified as his foot slammed into my exposed belly.  The force of it knocked the wind out of me, and I collapsed into a panicked ball of nerves.  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t take a full breath.  My brain screamed as I  flailed my hands toward him.  

“Move your hands.”  His voice was husky.  

I squeezed my eyes shut, as what felt like single molecules of oxygen worked their way into my body.  I shook my head.

“Don’t make me ask you twice.  You know what’ll happen.” 

My muscles unclenched, and I let out a whacking sob.  As if against my own free will, I unfolded myself again.  I shook and cried, my eyes shut against the pain. 

“Open your eyes,” he said, in that voice that brokered no argument.  “Look at me.” 

I knew what would happen.  I shook my head and opened my eyes, though everything was blurry through my tears.  

“Good girl.  You were so beautiful today.”  His foot slammed into my belly again, this time harder. 

I screamed, and my world went white with pain and panic.    

My brain howled for air. 

I shook, every muscle contracting in fear and agony.  

Time lost its meaning, and suddenly his face was right next to mine.  He kissed the tear tracks on my face.  “Ready to get started on your punishment, doll?” he asked, brushing a stray piece of hair off of my face.  

Get started?  

I shook my head.  “Please… please…”  My voice sounded hoarse.  “Please, no more.” 

He combed his fingers through my hair, and the movement was soft and gentle.  

I loved this man, who could balance both terror and tenderness.

“That’s not what you just asked for, was it?” 

I wept.  “No.”  My breath was returning in great big hiccups.

He tipped my chin up so I was looking into his face.  “Do I need to punish you for lying to me, as well?” 

My stomach ached, and my eyes stung, but I smiled at him.  “No.” 

“Good,” he said, as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me to a standing position.  “Because I don’t think I have the patience to cane both your ass and your pussy tonight.” 

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

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