Erotic fiction: Love in Idleness, Chapter 2

‘The course of true love never did run smooth.’

Other chapters of this story can be found here.

“Sir…” began Julia, her soft voice sweet and dripping.  “Sir, I have a confession to make.”

Antonio’s eyes sparkled.  “What have you done, Julia?”  He leaned back in his chair, leisurely, as if he were going to enjoy what came next.  

The luscious brunette was silent.

The Director’s playful demeanor fell away.  “You know better than this.  Out with it, cunt.  Now.”

Cora’s eyes snapped up in response to the shape of that word searing into the air.  

Still, the other woman was silent.  

Antonio grabbed the back of her hair, bending her so that their faces were inches apart.  Julia winced at his sudden violence.  

“Do you need to make a visit to the re-education room, Julia?  I’d have thought you had spent quite enough time there, already.”  His face was cold.  “I’d have thought we would have broken you of this disobedience, by now.” 

The beautiful girl looked stricken, and shook her head as far as his hand would let her.  “No, no.  Please, no Sir.  Please, I don’t want that.” 

“The re-education room?” Cora asked.  Whether she was horrified or curious, she could not tell.   

Antonio shot her an icy glare, then turned back to speak to Julia.  “Well, what do you think, dumb cunt?  Shall we show Ms Cora what we do in the re-education room?” 

She began to cry.  “No.  No, please.  Please, I’ll tell you.  Please, Sir, I swear.”    

“Good little cunt.  Now, on your knees.  Then you can tell us.”  

He let go of her hair, and she sank to the ground in front of him, looking up with her big doe eyes and pumped up lips slightly parted. 

Cora watched, noting that it didn’t seem like the first time she’d been in this position.  She had always hated women who used their bodies to get ahead in life.   

“I’m… I’m sorry Sir,” Julia murmured.  “It’s just that, well… Viola and I… we’ve fallen in love.”  Julia blushed and chewed her puffy lip.

Antonio sat, silent in the wake of her news.      

His hand cracked against her cheek so suddenly, it made Cora jump.  Julia began to cry, covering her stinging skin.  

“Put your hand down.  Look at me.”  There was no room for argument in Antonio’s words.  

Julia let her hand drop, shaking, to rest on her thigh.  She looked up at him again, just in time to see the next slap crash into her.  This time, she didn’t try to soothe herself, just sat in front of him, crying softly.  

“You understand, of course, why I cannot allow that.” 

Julia nodded.

“You’ve come a long way, Julia, haven’t you?”

She nodded again.

“A long way from the drug-addicted delinquent you were.”

“Yes, Sir.” 

“You have been a shining example of this project.”  Antonio sighed.  “Or you were.”

A sob escaped Julia’s throat.  

“Get up.  Across the desk, cunt.” 

Julia stood and positioned herself as instructed.  

“Mr Vasilias,” Cora said, now very close to the other woman’s obscenely round ass.  “I don’t understand this.” 

Antonio’s touch was light against the taut fabric of Julia’s dress, before pulling it up over her wide hips.  His palm landed squarely on the bottom of her ass, and Julia yelped.  “Julia, darling.”  Another slap, another yelp.  “Explain to Ms Cora why you’re being punished.”  He spanked her again, harder.

“Because…” Julia started, between whimpers.  “Because… Francesca.” 

“And Francesca is…?” Antonio goaded, spanking her twice on each side.

“My… sponsor.  Francesca’s my sponsor.  She’s… the reason that I’m here.” 

“Yes, my little bimbo cunt.  Francesca is the reason you’re here, and not rotting in some dingy prison somewhere.  She arranged your plea bargain, didn’t she?”  A flurry of slaps were steadily turning Julia’s ass rosy.  

“Yes… Sir,” Julia cried.  

“You traded fifteen years in a federal prison, for five years here, didn’t you?”

“Yesss,” she hissed, as another stroke hit some unmarked flesh.  

“And then five years in Francesca’s employ, after that?” Antonio led her.

“Yes, Sir.” 

“You belong to her, after this.  I trained you — rehabilitated you — for her,” Antonio said, each phrase punctuated with more stinging spanks.  “She helped you.  You owe her, Julia.”  He caressed her smooth skin, the perfect mixture of soft and firm.  “She’s done so much for you.” 

“I know, Sir.”  

“What do you mean, employ?” Cora asked.  

Antonio shrugged.  “To be honest, I’ve never asked.  Although –”  His hands roamed over Julia’s body.  “I could guess.” 

Cora sat, stunned, and, despite everything, couldn’t deny that she was also terribly, strangely aroused.  Once the admission formed in her mind, she blushed and sat back in her chair.  

Antonio turned back to Julia.  “You must understand that I cannot allow your relationship with Viola to continue.”

“But Sir,” Julia sobbed.  “But we’re in love.” 

His expression hardened.  “You’ll go with Francesca, and the discussion is closed.  I can’t bend the law for you, Julia.”  He walked around to the other side of his desk and picked up the phone.  “Yes, please send Viola to my office.  Right away, yes.  Thank you.”  He turned back to the crying woman still bent over his desk.  “We’ll see what your secret lover has to say for herself.  She should be up shortly.” 

Antonio walked back around.  “Cora, you’re looking a little flushed.  Can I offer you a glass of water?”      

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