Erotic short fiction: Getting What I Deserve, Part 1

“What do you think?” I twirled in front of him, wearing my new corset, a pair of jeans, and my tallest heels. It was so tight, I could barely breathe. I loved it.

He looked at me, but not at my face. “Do you do this intentionally?”

I batted my eyelashes, but I doubted he noticed. “Do what?”

“Tease me like this.”

I blushed, and then decided on the truth. “Of course it’s intentional.” I turned to show him the back of my outfit, rows of lacing over the round swell of my ass.

“Do you think that’s wise?” There was a barely hidden timbre of threat to his voice.

I bit my lip, letting a shiver run down my spine. “Oh, yes.”

“Do you.” This time, it wasn’t a question. He stood and closed the distance between us, putting both his hands around my waist. With the corset squeezing so deliciously, his fingers nearly met on either side of my torso. “Jesus,” he whispered.

My own shallow breaths were ragged as his hands held my waist, like they belonged there. It was hard not to moan and press myself into him.

“What do you think happens to slutty little cock teases?”

I contemplated my answer.

They get punished. They get fucked.

Did I dare say that?

“I don’t know,” I finally settled on.

“You don’t know.” His tone was low, patronizing. His fingers slid over my ass and between my legs, where the denim was already embarrassingly damp. “I want to see more.”

“More?” I asked.


I swallowed, a nervous reflex. “What did you have in mind?”

“I want to see you in these heels.”

“Is that all I’m allowed to wear?” I asked.

He paused. “Did I mention anything else?”

This time, I did moan. “No, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He sat back down and rested his jaw in his fingers, his legs spread, in the way that men do. “Now show me.”

I blushed harder, feeling the thrill spread down my neck and over my breasts. Turning away from him, I undid the button and zipper of my jeans and hooked my fingers in the waistband. I pulled them down enough to give him a glimpse of my panties that matched the corset. I looked over my shoulder at him, and smiled as I watched him readjust himself.

“Keep going,” he said.

I winked at him and pulled my jeans back up, sliding my hands over my hips and bending at the waist. The jeans were not going to come off without taking the shoes off first.

Being bent nearly double, the corset was making me dizzy. I felt one tall heel wobble as I tried to undo the strap.

He was behind me in an instant, holding me steady, his fingers clawing into the soft skin around the inside of my hip bones. I gasped, for what good it did me; this was so close to what I wanted him to be doing.

If only I could get the damn jeans off.

He tightened his grip, enough that I knew there’d be bruises there tomorrow. “Do you need help?” He ground himself against my ass.

I moaned, low and needy. Blood rushed to my head. “Yes. Yes, I think so.”

He leaned forward and threaded his fingers through my hair.

“Please,” I breathed.

His grip hardened, and he pulled me upright. The sudden change sloshed the blood in my brain, and I had the vague thought that the ground looked so good.

I felt my knees buckle, but before I could meet the sweet safety of the floor, his hand was at the small of my back, holding me against him.

I blinked. “Sorry.” I cuddled into the warmth of him. Fuck, he felt so good.

“Shh, it’s alright. How tight did you make this thing?”

“Tight,” I whispered.

He maneuvered me to the chair where had had been sitting and poured me into it. “Let me help you.” He dropped to his knees in front of me and began to unbuckle my stiletto.

I blushed. “I feel like I should be kneeling in front of you, not the other way around.”

He looked up at me and quirked his lips, as he slipped the first shoe off. “So impatient.”

“I prefer ‘eager.’”

“I do too.” He worked the buckle on the second. “But I need you to be conscious.”

I sighed, over-dramatically. “If you insist.”

“I do.” The second heel came off.

I bit my lip and flexed my feet, shifting to get up again. “Now, where was I?”

He slid his hands up my legs, holding me down. He was so tall that even kneeling, we were face to face. I swallowed, reflexively, as he trailed his fingers up over the boning of the corset.

He murmured his approval and pulled me to standing again.

Without the heels, everything felt steadier. I smiled at him, as I turned and took my position again.

He sat back down. “Now stop teasing me.”

I rolled my hips, twisting to give him the best view of my curves. “Tease you? Wouldn’t dream of it.” I unbuttoned the jeans again and slid them down, slowly, one side at a time.

“You’re just making your punishment worse, you know.” There was a growl in his voice that raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

I pulled the jeans down my thighs and bowed my back, giving him a good view of the bottoms of my bare ass cheeks, the skin there unobstructed by my irrelevant panties. “I do hope so.”

There was the sound of shifting from behind me, like he was trying to find a comfortable position. “Is that right?”

I slipped one leg off, and then the other. I swiveled to see him. Even standing here, I could see his blue eyes being swallowed by his pupils. Truth be told, I’m sure my looked the same. “Yes Sir,” I said, breathy.

I watched him spread his legs further and again rest his jaw against his palm. He looked so… I didn’t even know. He looked like I belonged kneeling in front of him. My lips were suddenly dry, and I ached to be right there.

A ghost of a smile crept across his face. “If you lick your lips one more time, this is going to end much sooner than I want it to.”

I grinned, I couldn’t help it. I untied the ribbon of the corset and unwrapped it from my waist. The sound of ribbon oozing through the metal grommets filled the space between us, and with each pull I felt my lungs work to pull in more air.

When the last of the ribbon was piled on the floor beside me, I held the corset against me for a moment, before letting it drop away. I smiled as I watched his grip on the arm of the chair tighten.

“Fuck,” he breathed. “Fuck.”

I ran my hands up my waist to cup my breasts, rolling my nipples between my fingers.

“Get on with it.” His voice matched the darkness of his eyes.

“Mmm hmm,” I said, taking a swaying step toward him.

I turned around and wiggled my ass, before arching my spine and teasing him with a momentary view of the bare skin underneath my panties before pulling them back up.

“You’re just making this worse for yourself.”

“No,” I said. I hooked my fingers under the last bit of bit of fabric between him and me. “I’m making it better for both of us.”

The growl of his voice was low and soft, and I was close enough to feel the warmth of his breath on my back.

Achingly slow, I bent again at the waist and pulled my panties down my legs, letting him see the wet, swollen folds of my pussy. In one fluid motion, I turned and stepped out of the last vestige of my modesty.

The look on his face was enraptured, greedy, full of dark triumph. He reached down and picked up my heels, letting them dangle suggestively from his fingers. “Now put these back on.”

Photo by Ivan Belokon on Unsplash

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