Erotic fiction: Demon Bride, Part 2

“Do it again.”  Her voice was barely above a whisper, the evidence a wisp of condensation from between her lips.  “It was perfect.  I want you to do it again.” 

The previous part of this story can be found here.


That word quirked in my mind, like something dark and sticky.  It was hard to believe the truth of it, yet here she was.  I watched her nipples harden to tiny points on her rounded breasts, watched the goosebumps blossom along the length of her limbs.  I moved up behind her, so close that our bodies touched.  

She made a small keening noise, and I could feel the delicate shudder of her muscles.  “Please,” she begged.  

I dragged a clawed finger along the exposed line of her neck, and she stretched it to the side, exposing all that unprotected flesh to my gaze. I watched her artery quiver.  All that blood, so close to the surface.  It would take but one small bite to let it spill down over her skin.  

My jaw ached, for the want of it.  

“Please,” she begged again, as if she knew what I was thinking.  She shivered under my touch.  “Please, not soft.  Don’t be soft.” 

As my vessel desires.

I wrapped my fingers around her throat and squeezed, pulling her head upward.  Her eyes were closed, and her skin went from pale to pink to red.  Still, she pushed herself against my palm, making it even harder for herself to breathe.  The moments dragged by heartbeats; I felt her muscles lose their tension, and I scooped her up against my body before she could hit the floor.  

With her shoulders against one of my arms and her knees against the other, I cradled her, much as I had seen other females with their own babes. 

Her chest heaved in big breaths of air as her body remembered the joys of life, and her eyelids fluttered. 

I wasn’t ready.  I wasn’t ready for her vision yet.  “Keep your eyes closed.” 

She obeyed and snuggled against my chest, rubbing her cheek against my chest.  


Her fingers traced up my chest as far as her reach could extend, feeling the swell of my muscles and bones.  “Big.  So big.”  

I watched her gentle movements continue to explore, and there was something about it that I knew I should stop.  But I… I didn’t want to.  I allowed myself a momentary thought of what it would feel like to let her exploration continue along the full length of my body, and I shuddered.  

It would be… pleasurable.  As her fingertips danced along my chest, I knew it would be pleasurable.  

That was not a word that had ever occurred to me, before that moment.  

My purpose had been to breed.  To create more of myself, legions of demon spawn.  I had been doing that for a thousand years.  A thousand years of breeding the helpless human females, holding them down and filling them with my seed.  

I had done what I, myself, had been born to do.  Never had the thought of pleasure entered into my consciousness.  To do something simply because it felt good.  I still wanted to fill her up, of course, make her swell with my poison progeny.  But it was as if a new dimension of reality was opened up to me. 

“Please,” she whispered against me.  “Let me look at you.  I want to know what you look like.” 

“Not yet,” I answered.  I wasn’t ready, yet. 

I stood her up against the edge of the bed, and I knew what I wanted to do. 

She had come back to me, begging for more.  I imagined that maybe she felt this same strange feeling of desire – of pleasure – that I had.  

I was going to give it to her.

She stood, waiting, unseeing and obedient.  Something low in my body tightened, seeing her like that, so willing.  

I carved out a thought from the air around us, a memory that every living thing carries inside of itself somewhere, of the dark primordial beginning.  The primeval forest, dark and filled with unseen monsters, of basic and unrelenting fear.  I formed the thought and pushed it into her mind, and I watched her breaths get shallow.  I watched the unease slide over her body, beginning with a tiny shiver and a tremble of icy breath.  

On others, I knew, I would smell the sourness of their anxiety, a thin sheen of their mortal sweat as the fear played over in their minds.  

That is what I expected of others, but I knew that was not what she would give me.

The scent of her arousal filled the room, even as her breaths got shallow and her muscles twitched like a horse about to bolt.  

Yes, she was different. 

I pushed her down onto the bed, my palm covering most of her back.  She screamed, and I dug my claws around her.  I was achingly hard, achingly ready, and I stroked myself in preparation for taking what she offered me.  

She tried to move, I think, to try to crawl away, up across the cheap hotel bed. 

My voice filled the space like the buzzing of a thousand angry insects, and I felt her body heave around her fear.  “Be still,” I growled, tight with need.  “Be still.” 

She shook her head.  

“No?”  I lined myself up at her entrance and wrapped my fist in all that red hair.  I pulled, bowing her back, and she let out another scream.  The sound of her was sweet, and it made me clench my fist even harder.  Still, I paused between her legs, making the air heavy around us, so she could not move. 

She made a minute movement, as much as she could, to get me inside of her.  Her body begged for my violation, but I wanted to hear it.  God, I don’t know why I wanted to hear it, but from her, I did.  

I cleared the heavy air from around her lips.  “Beg.  Beg me, spawn bearer.”  I flexed my claws around the back of her ribs, and I watched tiny dots of crimson appear on her skin.  

She let out a breath, and she laughed. 

She laughed.

The sound was joy, unfettered delight.   “Please,” she begged.  “Please, yes.  Breed me.  Fill me with your seed.  Make me swell for you.  Own my body.  Make it yours.”  Her smile was obvious in her voice, and I let it infect me, as well. 

The expression felt unnatural, as if my muscles weren’t used to making that movement. 

They weren’t.  I knew that.  And yet, here I was, letting my female spread her undeniable mirth to me.  It felt… good.  Again, the thought of pleasure swept through my mind.

I should have stopped.  I should have stopped her.  Should have controlled her better.  Maybe I should have left her alone tonight.  

But I didn’t.  I couldn’t.  A thousand years trapping humans beneath me, and this one trapped me, somehow.  

She laughed again, teasing herself against the head of my cock.  “Please,” she pleaded.  “Breed me, hurt me, fill me.  I need it.”

Time seemed to dilate around me, so as I listened to her voice, I had another thousand years to dissect this feeling.  It didn’t feel wrong.  It felt like falling into the sweetest, darkest abyss of hell.  

I plunged my entire length within her, riding her body like I had none other.  And I knew at that moment, there never would be, for me. 

She screamed and contracted around me, her breath coming in hitches.  “Harder!”

I obeyed, letting go of her hair and wrapping my big hands around her waist. I was big enough that my fingertips met and crossed one another around the front of her.  She let out a sound of pure satisfaction, and I watched her stretch obscenely around me.  I watched her body take everything that I gave her, as I cradled her belly.  “Take me, take it,” I hissed through gritted teeth.  

I dragged my teeth over her shoulder, over all that smooth flesh.  The perfection of it assaulted my senses; I wanted to mar, destroy, ruin that beautiful perfection.  I wanted to see my marks upon her skin, as my child grew within her.  One mark of ownership was not enough, would never be enough for her.  

I thought of her body, swelling helplessly with child, again and again.  Thoughts of holding her down, just like this, ravaged through my mind.  

My teeth sank into her skin, and I tasted salt, and blood, and her arousal.  Her need was there, prickling along her skin, sweet and ripe for the taking.  

She screamed, her body fluttering around me.  Hot liquid, hot as the blood roaring in my ears, poured out from her opening, and her orgasm brought me over the edge.  We both screamed, each convulsing in tune with the other, as I bred her, again.  

I slipped out from inside of her, watching the copious spill of my seed drip from between her ravaged body.  It did not bother me to see it lost from her womb; I knew the deed was done.  This would be the time where I would have let the others drift off into their tortured sleep, but her – I could not make myself leave her.  I would not. 

She lay on the bed, still, but gasping for air, still riding on the tail of her pleasure.  

I slid my hands underneath her and scooped her up again, much as before.  There was something inside my ribs that ached, and it took me a moment to realize that it was my heart.  I had wanted to treasure her horror when she finally looked upon me, but now, all I wanted to do was have her see me.  

Come be what may, I wanted her to see me. 

She cuddled against my chest, though her heartbeat still beat feverishing.  Her eyes were still closed. 

“Open your eyes, spawn bearer.”  

Her pale eyelashes fanned, and I watched her eyes widen, as she took in my form, finally.  Those wide green eyes traced the shape of me, as real as a touch, and I watched her shoulders heave in time with her terrified breath.  

I held her tighter, and she shivered, squirmed.  

Her mouth made a tiny o shape.  “Oh, my God.  You…” 

I watched as her words failed her.  

And then she reached out with those long, delicate fingertips and ran them along the cut of my jaw, down my collarbones and across my chest.  Still, her eyes were too wide, showing too much white.  

Her reaction stirred my own arousal once more, and I shifted so she could feel it against her back.  I took in all her delicious horror, and I tried to feed on it, as I had with so many others.  And yet, there was a tiny pain somewhere in my consciousness, some fear that it would all be too much for her, and she would flee.  

With anyone else, I would enjoy the chase, enjoy their panic, their terror.  

She was different.  She made me feel fear. 

I swallowed, willing myself to be more myself, more the demon I knew I was.  I put her on the ground, leaving my body on top of her.  Her eyes were wild, and I let her feel my hardness again.  I wanted her to know what she did to me, how pleasing her terror was. 

I wanted her to know, to see.  

My palm wrapped around her neck again, and her anxious heartbeat mirrored my own.  I squeezed, making her look at me.  Her skin mottled pink and red, but she did not try to avert her eyes.  I watched her lips move, soundlessly, and that movement fascinated me.  So deep, so swollen and pink.  I had never really looked at a female’s mouth before, it had never interested me.  But with her – with this one I could watch those lips move forever.  

They looked so soft, so inviting, that I needed to know what they felt like. 

Her skin became darker as the seconds ticked by, but she didn’t struggle, just watched me.  I closed the distance between us, and I did something that I had never done before. 

I kissed her. 

Kissed those perfect, silken lips.  The softness of them surprised me, and I let go of my grip around her neck. 

I had heard demon’s legends, of course, of ones that would trap us.  Stories in the night told to children to make them mind their keepers, stories that told of humans that would trap us in the softness of their touch.  That’s all that I had ever thought they were – stories.  Stories to frighten children. 

I knew in that moment, as our lips met, that it wasn’t a story.  

She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and drew me into her, crushing her mouth against mine.  

It wasn’t a story, and again I had the sensation of falling.  Falling into the sweetest depths of hell.  

It wasn’t a story. 

She kissed me and I kissed her, and we became each other’s victims.  I knew that I would never leave her, until time itself stopped.  I knew that she would be forever bound to me, not just as the mother of my children, but as the only match that could have been mine.  

She broke the kiss, and I saw, with a certain wonderment, a satisfied smile curl across her lips.  Her eyes were shiny.  “Mine,” she said.  “You’re mine.” 

“Mine,” I repeated, a hair’s breath from her lips.

Everything changed when she gave me my new name.  It was a luscious, perfect, hellish abyss.  I would fill her again and again, and we would raise armies of demons to ravage an unsuspecting creation, the waiting earth.     

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