Erotic short fiction: Psychology Lessons, Part 2

The music warped the air around me, dipping and cresting with the rhythm of some messages I couldn’t quite make out.  I found myself laying back on her soft sheets, without really remembering crossing the room.  The sheets were so soft, and it was already hard to focus. 

The other parts of this story can be found here.

I moaned as I slithered my naked skin against them. 

“Mmm, that feels good, doesn’t it?” my friend purred, placing the headset around my eyes.


“So good, sweetheart.  Such a good girl.” 

And then the room was gone around us.  

Reality wavered and morphed; the walls shimmered and receded.  The soft sheets disappeared, and I was standing in a dark pool of warm water.  The tiny waves lapped at my ankles, and the steps that led down to the cool black depths tantalized my curiosity.

I wanted to feel all that warm water around me. 

This was going to feel good.  

The desire to descend those steps ached, from deep inside of me.  The intensity of my longing both surprised me, and somehow… didn’t.   

“What do you want to do, my good girl?”  My Mistress’s voice was like the water itself, warm and intoxicating.  

I looked up at her, sitting curled up in her chair at the side of the pool, watching me.  Two other slave girls knelt on either side of her, and a silver chain connected each of their collars to her palm.  I knew the two of them as well as I knew myself; I knew the feel of their skin, the rhythm of their desperate breath, the taste of their most intimate places.  

They were waiting for me.  I knew that, without knowing how I knew that. 

Even now, I could see the tiny twin movements of their shoulders, belying their anxiety. 

They were waiting for me.  What were they waiting for?

“You know what you have to do,” Mistress said.  “Don’t worry.” 

Don’t think.

The water tickled my calves, and I took the first step down into the sapphire pool.  The pleasure of having more of my skin surrounded by that heavy warmth made my eyes roll back in my head, and my thoughts swirled away on the invisible currents. 

Nine steps to go, then eight.  I knew there were ten steps; that knowledge was a half-memory, a lucid dream.  

Deeper.  I wanted to be deeper.  




I looked up at my Mistress again, and she was smiling that feline smile of hers, idly toying with the two silver chains.  The two other slaves watched her with a longing that mirrored my own. 

It ached.  My ribs ached with it.  I blinked and reality scratched; I found myself one step deeper.  My skin disappeared under the glossy black veneer.

I needed it.  Needed to be deeper.  I wanted to be so deep for her.  

My desire belonged to her, I knew that; the thought itself curled around my thighs and spread my legs beneath the surface of the water. 

Her smile broadened.  

Something… I could feel something real slither around my body.  Strong and slick, like if the water itself was pulling me down, deeper.  Pulling me apart for her. 

Three.  So deep. 


I looked down into the water, warm and dark, sure that I would be able to see whatever force continued to wrap itself around my legs and crawl up to circle my waist. 

There was nothing.  I could see nothing below the surface.  

Had I felt this… whatever this was?  Had I felt it before? 

“Shh, my good girl,” Mistress said.  “Of course you’ve felt it before.  Every time.  Do you remember what happens next?”

I looked up at her, the two slave girls shivering with their own need.  Reality flickered again, and for a split second I could see myself kneeling in front of her.  I wore an identical collar, with an identical silver chain, and it draped to rest in her hand, as I pleasured her with my tongue.  

I blinked, and the vision was gone.  She still sat like a queen above the pool, smiling that smile that told me that I was so good.  Like warm sunshine.  

“Such a good girl,” she purred.  “Don’t worry.”

Don’t think.

I blinked again, and I watched the vision of myself again between her legs, giving her the orgasm that she craved.  It felt so good to be serving her, so right.  My own breath came in shallow little gasps as I felt her clit twitch, as I teased it with my mouth. 

The water wrapped itself tighter around my waist, and it glided down between my legs.  I moaned and closed my eyes, as unspeakable pleasure washed over my body.  When I opened them again, my Mistress and her two slaves were again… sitting without me. 

A stab of regret slid through me, as the water found my clit.  

I wanted to be up there.

I wanted to serve her.  

“Of course you do, sweetheart.  You know what you have to do though, don’t you?” 

The force of the warm water between my legs was like a sucking, tickling tease on my most sensitive spot.  That promise of long-awaited bliss buzzed along my nerves, and I shivered, throwing my arms back through viscous liquid that felt less and less like water.  It wrapped around my wrists and snaked up my arms, keeping me still.

The pool tightened itself around my legs and waist, and I had a thought of the muscles in my Mistress’s thighs clenching around me.  

Should really go running with her.

From the side of the pool, she laughed.  “Yes, you should, sweetheart.”  She sighed and shook her head, taking out her phone and typing something.  “Should be the subject of my next paper.”

I felt my brow furrow, and I could almost … think.  Something about a paper and a project… my FE exam…

And then the pool’s currents slithered over my clit, pulling me an inch lower into the heavy water.  My bare skin felt hot and needy under the swirling, teasing movements, and I tipped my head back.  “Please,” I begged. 

The relentless torment continued, bringing me to the edge of climax.

“Please what, sweet thing?” my Mistress asked, her voice like honey.  

I wanted to taste those lips.

“I know.”  Her smile broadened by degrees.  “But you know what you have to do, don’t you?” 

The thick, muscled ropes of water tightened further around my body, while the current’s unrelenting oscillation kept me expertly on the brink of orgasm.  It was maddening; I ached for the single little push that would send me into that beautiful cascade of pleasure. 

“You’re already there, aren’t you?” 

Wasn’t I?

I felt my breath, my body, completely at her mercy.  In that moment, I knew that I could spend a thousand hours in this tantalizing torture, simply because she willed it.  The realization of my total lack of control made me feel… serene.  Complacent.  Relaxed. 

Isn’t that what we came to do?

“In a manner of speaking, yes,” she said, looping both silver chains around her hand.  The leads tightened and pulled the slave girls closer to her.  “But not entirely what I came to do.  What did I come here to do, my good girl?” 

It was so hard to think.  I knew that was good, that was where I belonged.  Not thinking made me a good girl for my Mistress. 

The water curled around me, edging me deeper.

I wanted to be deeper. 

I needed to be so deep.  Two more steps and I could be there.  But, as I tried to move my foot, the water’s bonds held me still.  I struggled, looking up at her, smiling down at me, desperation settling in my tendons.  “Please,” I begged. 

“Tell me what you want.  Beg for it.” 

I felt my whole body ache to be under that water, under her spell.  A controlled, denied little slave girl at her feet.  “Please, let me go deeper for you, Mistress.  Please, allow me to kneel in front of you.” 

The watery appendages loosened their grasp, and I stepped down onto the last step.  One more, and I’d be at the bottom.  Dark water lapped at the edges of my earlobes, and the delicate brushes against my swollen clit taunted me.  The pleasure made it impossible to think, my desire flooding my thought circuits.  

Don’t think.  Don’t worry.  Go deeper.


“Please,” I started, imploring the golden queen seated above me.  “Please let your little slave girl go all the way under.”  My body ached.  “Please.”  The craving for her, and the submission to her, was overwhelming.  

And all the while, the water continued its fluid assault on my clit.  

“Please,” I begged, my voice breaking.  “Please let me submit.  Let me bring you pleasure.  Control me, Mistress.”  My mind was of one thought only; all others burned away under the water’s delicate teasing.

My Mistress’s soft pink lips smiled down at me, and the air flickered.  I could see myself, again, kneeling between her legs, my head bobbing gently.  

I blinked, and the image was gone.  That only made the ache worse. 

She spread her legs, showing me that intoxicating pussy that I so deeply desired.  

Deep.  Deeper.

“You may, sweetheart,” she said.  “You’re going to be such a good girl for me.”

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Photo by Mickael Gresset on Unsplash

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