Erotic short fiction: Rockstar, Chapter 4

A question, posed.

The other chapters of this story can be found here.


I straddled his face, as his long, thick cock slid down my throat. He teased my clit as he reached the back of my throat, and I clenched and dripped when he pushed that last bit past my gag reflex.

He growled and slowed his tongue.

I groaned, trying to soak up every agonizing movement.

This man’s tongue was magical.

He wound me tighter and tighter; my toes curled as need spiraled through the marrow of my bones. I could feel the breeze through his bedroom skitter across my skin, at once too hot and too cold. Every delicate lick seemed designed specifically to build a sweet torture inside my body.

It really wasn’t fair.

I swallowed his cock, hoping to give myself a moment’s reprieve from the ache between my legs. But the feeling of all that hard length sliding into my mouth seemed only to make the craving for him, worse.

He built my desperation carefully; each ragged breath stacked in precarious form, ready to topple brilliantly with the last decisive lashing of his tongue.

I felt myself clench, and he slowed his movements.

“No,” I whined. I wiggled my hips. “You’re teasing me.”

I felt him lick me, softly, once, over my most sensitive bits.

I wanted to scream, to grind myself against his face. But mostly I wanted him to keep doing this.

“Yep,” he said. Another delicate lick.

I clenched and groaned, my thighs shaking on either side of his chest.

“So fucking wet.” Another lick. “I think I like you like this.”

My breath was a staccato beat, in rhythm with his ministrations. My thoughts fizzled and evaporated.

Fucking magical.

I pushed him down my throat, as far as he would go, and dragged my tongue down to his balls.

“Fuck,” he whispered. “Fuck, do that again.”

His voice. The sound of it was keening lust, in waveform.

I repeated the maneuver and was rewarded with the a deep resonance underneath me. The air in my lungs slowly turned hot and burning, but every measure that ticked by, as I choked myself on him, wrapped deeper my desire.

He paused. “Tell me what being a rock star means to you.”

I blinked, pulling him out of my mouth. “What?”

“Tell me.”

I laughed, though the sound of it had the fragility of grains of sand in the wind.

He gave me another teasing lick, and a needy, low noise escaped my throat.

“Is this… is this really the time?” I breathed.

“Mmm hmm.” Lick.

I desperately tried to get my synapses to fire again. Everything in my brain felt languid and floaty, hovering just on the edge of my orgasm. I took a deep breath, straightened my spine, and let the air slowly blow out between my lips. I counted to thirty.

“You’re getting better at that.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

I flipped around, so that I was looking down at him between my legs, my ass resting on the swell of his pectorals. “You’re giving me lot of opportunity to practice holding my breath.”

His silver eyes narrowed to happy crescents. “I’m glad.”

“You’re so accommodating.” I lifted up a touch, and brushed my pussy over his lips. That barest touch had me shivering all over again.

“I am. But you’re avoiding the question.”

I was. But only because his mouth was so goddamned talented.

It really, really wasn’t fair.

A man should not be allowed to be this beautiful and talented.

“Keep teasing me, and I’ll answer the question.” My voice carried a note of bravado that I hoped would materialize into something real. As it was, I wasn’t convinced I could string together two sentences with Rico’s tongue on me.

He took another tentative lick, and I felt my brain leak down the inside of my thighs. A delicate quiver roamed over my muscles, as I struggled to keep myself up and exactly in the right position to receive this torture.

“Answer the question, Eliza.” He licked me again, lazily. Like he knew exactly what he was doing. “Or I’m going to tie you down and make you beg me to let you cum.”

I shivered. That sounded really, really good. Like, really good.

It took an unholy force of will not to immediately take him up on that offer.

“Umm,” I started, not really sure how exactly I planned to finish my thought.

He nibbled at my clit, and my pussy pulsed.

“Umm, fuck…” I swallowed, reflexively. Why did I always have to make things so difficult on myself?

His quiet laughter bubbled up from beneath me. “Good start.”

“Fuck you.” It came out more like a plea, than anything else.

“If you’re good. Now rub those last two brain cells together and answer the fucking question, before they drip down my chin.” He took my clit between his lips and sucked.

“Oh gods.” My hips moved on their own accord, dragging my eager flesh over the softness of his mouth. “Umm, okay. Rock star. What means rock star?”

He laughed, louder this time, and the vibrations of it rumbled through the ache of my body.

“Rock star… rock star,” I repeated, my hips undulating needily. “I think… talent.”

“Talent?” He flattened his tongue, and I felt my eyes roll back in my head. “Is that all I need?”

“Not just… not just. Also…”

“Mmm hmm?” he asked, in that beautifully patronizing way of his. “Also?”

“Presence.” The syllables spilled out of me in a heap.

“Presence?” He circled my clit slowly. “That’s a big concept for someone dripping as much as you.”

I felt the blush crawl up my cheeks, and it made my cunt clench. “You’re pretty fucking talented.” I rubbed myself over him, just enough to wrench my desire taut. “Oh my fucking gods, your mouth. Your mouth makes you fucking rock star.” I blushed harder. “And what you can do with it.”

“But I also need… presence?” He punctuated that last word with a renewed swirl of his tongue. “Better explain to me what you mean.”

“You need… I think, um. To like… fill up a space.” I was so close, my mind was staticky. “To make every woman in the room… feel like all she wants to look at, is you.”

How did I explain this?

I whined as he continued to lave my pussy. “You have… Your presence makes me ache.” I swayed back and forth, greedy and needy. “I can’t look away. …Fill me up. Please… fuck.”

He wrapped his arms around my thighs and ground me against his face.

“Fuck!” I screamed, as I shook and a torrent of liquid splashed over him to puddle underneath us. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” I screwed my eyes shut as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over my body.

He rolled me off of him and brought my lips to his.

I tasted my own tart juice in his mouth. “Presence.”

“And talent,” I said, licking his lips clean. “But you have both.”

Photo by Veronika Tarakanova on Unsplash

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