Erotic short fiction: All That She Wants, Chapter 3

A hotel visit doesn’t go quite as she planned.

Rebecca blushed and shifted in her seat. “You toyed with her. Made her do things.”

He looked playfully offended. “I’d never make her do things. Isn’t that right, slut?” Our guest gasped, and he looked at me questioningly.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied meekly.

“Fuck…” she muttered under her breath.

“I never make her do things,” he repeated. “I let her do things. Watch.” He made a grand gesture with his hands, like a magician. “Cunt, don’t you want to show Miss Rebecca the reason for the noise complaint?”

I looked back at him with tears welling in my eyes. I shook my head slowly. “Please… No.”

“Come on, now.” He smiled sweetly, but his voice dripped with venom. “Of course you want to. Go ahead, it’s alright.”

I moaned, because I really did want to. He was always right. I slowly rotated my body, returning to the same position I had been in before she knocked. I cursed myself for being so transparent to him. My body was so hot, a great undulation between the crimson of my ass and the blush of my cheeks. The pit of my stomach burned.

“Oh my god. Wow… her ass,” Rebecca said softly.

“See? She likes it. She needs it. I never have to force her,” Jack chuckled. “Just have to give her half an opportunity, and she does it all on her own.”

I felt new tears pool beneath my face.

“That’s… so hot.”

Dear gods, this woman was practically panting already.

Moisture oozed between my legs as I listened to them talk about me as if I weren’t there.

He continued, his voice taking on a more precarious tone, “I’m afraid, though, Rebecca, that you’ve interrupted her punishment.”

There was a pause. “Why… why are you punishing her?”

She sounded hesitant. “I thought you didn’t force her…” she paused. “And the noise. The complaint.”

“She begged me to,” he said casually. “Didn’t you, fucktoy?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied softly.

I heard him get up from his chair. “But, you bring up a good point about the noise. Slut, how should we take care of that, do you think?”

I stopped breathing. “I… don’t know, Sir,” I lied.

“Don’t be coy, now. Tell me how you’d like me to keep you quiet.”

“Please… no, Sir. Please,” I cried into the bed.

I felt his hand on my hot ass cheek, squeezing. “I won’t ask you again.”

“Please…” Fuck. “Please… gag me, Sir.” I buried my face further into the blanket, as if that would save me from dying of embarrassment.

“Smart girl. And what do you want to be gagged with?”

Oh, gods. I tried to think of something — anything — but what I knew he wanted to hear. I let out a pained sob when I could think of nothing else. “My… my panties, Sir.”

Why do you do this to yourself?

“Are you sure that’s what you want? Wouldn’t want our guest to think you’re not enjoying yourself.”

I groaned and gritted my teeth, feeling like a hole was being carved through my torso. “Please gag me with my wet panties, Sir. I need it, please.” Please make it worse.

He slapped my ass lightly, making me yelp. “Get on with it, then.”

I shimmied out of my panties as delicately as I could, flinching as the lace scraped against my punished skin. The fabric was distressingly heavy with my juices, and a puddle of creamy fluid had collected in the gusset.

Jack plucked the sullied material from my hand. “Good girl. Now open your mouth.”

I arched my back, lifting my head from the mattress. I was facing away from her, and I desperately wanted to see Rebecca’s expression as he pushed the cloth into my mouth gently, making sure that the pool of my wetness made maximum contact with my tongue. When he was done, my mouth was obscenely filled with fabric; it found its way into every crevice, making me feel like gagging.

“Better?” he asked, his voice indulgent.

I nodded.

“That is so fucked up,” I heard Rebecca say quietly from behind me.

“I know.” He picked up the belt. “Ten more.”

I let out a muffled howl as the first blow came crashing down. The second made me arch my back involuntarily, my instincts trying desperately to move me away from the pain. The third elicited a strangled squeal.

“Oh my god,” I heard Rebecca say softly.

“Nice, right?” There was an obvious grin in his voice. “See, she really does like it. Her cunt never lies.” His voice turned to me. “Slut, spread your legs, so you can show Miss Rebecca how much you like this.”

I knew what was coming after my legs were spread, and I shook my head furiously, as much as my position would allow.

The impact of the next blow took my breath away, and I began to cry in earnest. Still – I found myself spreading my legs for them.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Three more strokes came in rapid succession, right across my exposed pussy.

My thoughts were gone. Just a static-y calm in my head, where there was only the pulsating din of hot, roaring agony.

“She wants more. She’s…” the other woman sounded breathy.

“Her body begs for it. I love when she pushes herself out to meet the belt.”

“She’s… dripping.” She paused, as if she wasn’t sure she should continue. “Fuck… can I?”

“Help yourself,” he replied, his tone nearly conversational.

There was some shuffling, and a soft, wet tongue pressed itself against my pussy. I groaned, as pain and pleasure sensations tangled in my brain. Rebecca’s deliberate licks drew deep, desperate noises from my throat. As she swirled around my engorged clit, I began to pant. It had been so long… and he had teased me so much… and she felt so good. So good. So very good. I was lost in the luxury of her mouth, and I could feel the screaming storm of my long-awaited orgasm building. I felt the first small pulse, and I involuntarily arched my back.

“Stop.” His voice was resolute.

She pulled away, making me cry into my panties as I felt the hope of relief fade. “What…? Why?” She sounded perplexed. “I’m sorry. Did I…?” she questioned, anxiety weaving into her words.

“No, you’re doing fine, sweetheart. She’s just not allowed to orgasm yet.”

There was a long pause. “…What?” Now she sounded truly baffled.

His voice fell back into his cool, nonchalant drawl. “One of her other things. She likes to be kept as a wet, desperate slut for me.” He continued as if he had shrugged. “She wants me to keep her on the edge, horny like this. What were the words you used, cock whore?” He had directed his voice in my direction. “Makes you feel more like… yourself, right?”

A submissive fuckdoll, was the only thought running through my mind.

I moaned. He had me so perfectly trapped. Trapped in my own desire to submit to him.

“I try to give her what she wants.” He made it sound like a real chore, and I felt my guts crumple up. “It’s just that, in this case, it’s keeping something from her.”

“That’s… barbaric.” Rebecca sounded horrified. “I can’t imagine… I can’t imagine that.” She paused, and took a shaky breath.

“She loves it, though.” He paused and turned his voice toward me. “She’s always wet, always ready. Always willing to debase herself for me,” he said darkly. “Aren’t you, cunt?”

I groaned, pushing my pussy out toward them, hoping for more of her soft, wet mouth.

“Of course you are. Now, let’s finish your punishment.” I felt the weight of the belt lift from the bed, and my breathing quickened. His voice turned to her. “Did you want to do it to her?”

The sucking of her breath was audible. “I… couldn’t. I’ll just, um… watch. If that’s okay.” She sounded like she wasn’t sure that was what she wanted, desire and nervousness mingling in her voice.

“Did you really come all the way up here just to watch?” His tone was syrupy.

A knot welled up in my throat in sympathy for her, knowing what it was like when he pushed. How hard it was to say no to him.

There was a pause, where I assumed that he put the belt in her hand. I wished I could see her face, to match her bated breath.

“What if I… can’t do it right?” Her anxiety was… adorable. Intoxicating. I suddenly began to understand Jack a little bit better.

He growled softly, and I recognized it as a sound of pleasure. “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured.

There was the unmistakable sounds of kissing behind me.

A new crop of emotions rippled through my body; envy, first — or was it jealousy?

He hadn’t even kissed me, yet.

A fever of insecurity followed, quickly replaced by the familiar sucking pain in my chest. That feeling I craved so deeply, but to which I could never become accustomed. Each cut was new and fresh, slicing into me as if it were the first. And he was right — I needed it. I moaned, without meaning to.

He hasn’t even kissed you, yet.

“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart. We can fix that,” he continued to her, oblivious — perhaps — to my affliction. “Cunt,” his tone suddenly harsh, “Turn over. Lay on your back.”

I gingerly repositioned myself, now having a perfect view of the two of them. Rebecca was flushed with arousal, her pretty pink lips parted slightly and her shoulders moving rhythmically with her quiet breathing. She held the belt in her hand, loosely. He was hard again with a delicious look of cruelty on his face.

“Now spread your legs,” he commanded. His sinister grin broadened as he watched my eyes get wider. “Come on, it can’t be that hard. Haven’t you wanted to spread your legs for me all night?”

I closed my eyes, because he was right. I had wanted to, since the moment he walked in. And certainly nothing that he had done to me — or let me do to myself — had diminished that desire. The weight of the collar and lead suddenly reasserted itself onto my mind. I had wanted to splay myself like a whore for him, to invite him to fill me, give me that exquisite orgasm he had so long denied me.

But the belt in Rebecca’s hand made me suspect that wasn’t his plan.

As if on their own accord, my knees parted.

“She’s so wet,” Rebecca said distantly. Her eyes were hungry.

“She loves this. Don’t you, slut?”

A wave of blush tingled across my cheeks. I nodded, looking at her.

Rebecca’s face hardened. She turned her stance and sent the belt whistling through the air. The impact to my unprotected pussy was blinding, a sear of white-hot pain that stunned me with its intensity. Instinctively, I closed my legs as I screamed in my gag, tears escaping from my eyes.

“Open,” he commanded.

I sobbed, shaking my head.

“I know you want it. Open your legs.”

Wet sobs continued to wrack my body as I spread my legs to invite more punishment.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I couldn’t see her wind up for the next blow through my teary eyes, and it caught me by surprise. In a split second, agony wiped my mind clean. There was only the scorching torment on my most sensitive places. Places that were supposed to bring me pleasure, now only existed, it seemed, to bring me burning misery.

“Her clit…” I heard Rebecca say. Her voice was breathy, but with a tremor of bewilderment.

“Her body can’t lie.” He sounded smug. “She loves this.”

Photo by Maksim Istomin on Unsplash

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