Erotic short fiction: The Boss’s Wife

His eyebrows shot up as I walked into the kitchen.  “Is that what you’re wearing?”

I stopped and looked down at the tight, red mini dress I was wearing, as if it were the first time I’d seen it.  “Yes, I suppose so.”

“Is that really appropriate for the company party?”

I shrugged.  “We’re going to be sitting most of the time, anyway.  Besides, it’s mostly for Jacob’s benefit.”

“I’ll try not to be too put off by that.”  He pouted, playfully, but I had a feeling that I’d be paying the price later, for dressing up for another man.  “I thought you decided not to fuck him.  You know, with him being your co-worker and all.”

“I did decide that.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t want him to think about it all night.”

“You are a terrible tease.”

I grinned, sighing theatrically.  “If only I had someone to punish me for my misdeeds.”

He sighed back.  “If only.”  He held his elbow to me.  “Shall we?”


As far as company parties go, it was okay. I was pleased to note Jacob’s continual, and increasingly less subtle, glances throughout the evening, even though he was seated next to his pretty new secretary. I noticed that she kept only one hand on the table, and I hoped she was pleasuring him with the other.

Hey, just because it’s not me, doesn’t mean I don’t want it to be someone else.  I’m not a complete bitch.

I excused myself in order to freshen up a bit.  

The effects of two glasses of wine were making themselves felt, and I needed a break to recollect myself.  I walked into the ladies’ room and nearly bumped straight into the boss’s wife, Michelle.  Michelle was gorgeous, in that ‘Texas pageant queen’ kind of way.  Her perfectly blonde hair was perfectly coiffed into a perfect French chignon.  Perfect red lips accented perfect creamy skin, under a perfectly fitted black dress.  She looked like the poster girl for ‘Executive Wives Weekly.’  Like a trophy that could smile and strut.

I admit, I felt like trash standing next to her.  And, I will admit that it made my cunt drip, a little.

She smiled at me, those beautiful lips parting to show what I could only imagine were a set of very expensive teeth.  But maybe I was just bitter.  “Ada, right? I don’t know if we’ve been introduced.  My name’s Michelle, I’m Kevin’s wife.”  Her voice was like a song from a fairy tale, rich and melodious.  I wondered briefly, as I shook her hand politely, what it would sound like if it were screaming in agony. 

Gosh, I was bitter.

“Yes,” I said as sweetly as I could manage.  “I’m Ada.  I work in Grants Administration.”  

“Of course.”  Her smile flowed over me like a warm summer day.  “I’ve heard such great things about you.”  The tone of her voice made me wonder if there was such a thing as the opposite of vocal fry.  

She’s probably in the church choir, with a voice like that.  

I smiled.  “Aww,” I said.  “Just doing my job.”  I manufactured an appropriately demure smile.

She looked at me. “I like your dress,” she said.

I briefly wondered why we were still having this conversation.

Surely she had more important people to go hang out with. But what I said was, “Thanks. I made it myself.” Which was true; I had.

Even her look of wonderment, I thought, was bigger and brighter than need be.  Everything’s bigger in Texas, I guess. 

“Really?” she gushed.  “Turn around, let me see.” 

I spun for her, slowly.  When I faced her again, she had her hands half-way outstretched to me, but she had a look of consternation on her face.  It did not suit her. 

“May I?” she asked, but for what, I wasn’t certain.

“Sure?”  I made it a question.

Her delicate, perfect hands landed on my shoulders, following the seams of the dress.  “Great lines.  It’s very… flattering on you.”


Her fingers traced the side seams down each side of the curve of my waist.  It took me until she was cupping my ass that I realized her intentions might not be honorable.  She pulled herself closer to me. “Beautiful.  Quite… daring, also.”  Her voice was a little breathy.  She brought those lips to my neck, and I shivered under her gentle touch.  “I’ve been watching you all night, move in that dress.” 

I blinked, looking at the stunning woman in front of me.  

Then… I looked at the stunning woman in front of me.  I licked my lips.  “Really.” 

She nodded, looking suddenly lost.

I reached to run my finger along the line of her jaw.  Perfect.  Gods, she was so perfect.  When I reached her chin, I tipped it up so her perfect lips were poised and ready.  She parted them like a good little girl.  “Let me show you how else I can move.” 

Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash

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