Erotic short fiction: Fucking Architects

She gives him what he wants.

The other parts of this story can be found here.

“Fucking architects.”  My boss seethed.  “They all do this.  Every time.  No matter what I put in the scope, they always think they’re entitled to more.”  He dropped his head into his hands.  “I’m getting too old for this, Cat.” 

I leaned against the door jam to his office.  “What happened?  Is this about the community center project?” 

He leaned back, looking at the ceiling, imploring. “I don’t understand why he’s even asked us to this meeting.  We’re civil engineers, for god’s sake.  It’s something about water rights and property.” 

“Well, we did equip the well.” 

“I know, but that’s fucking done.  He should be dealing with the State Engineer – we shouldn’t even be involved in this project any more.”  My boss looked at me.  “I fucking hate working for architects.  They think once you’re on board, you’re theirs, on call, forever.” 

I thought about the cute architect that was running this job, and maybe it wouldn’t be terrible to be at his beck and call.  

Weren’t we already, though? 

My cunt clenched, thinking about it. 

“Listen,” I said.  “I’ll go to the meeting today and deal with it.” 

He looked at me, the decades of doing this work etched into the lines on his face.  “Are you sure?  I know you have stuff to do.” 

“It’ll be alright.  I’m mostly caught up.”  I smiled at him.  “It’ll be nice to get out of the office for the afternoon, anyway.” 

He nodded, staring blankly at his computer screen.  “Alright.  Go ahead.”  And then under his breath, he continued, “Fucking architects.” 

The drive down the valley to the job site was pleasant, with the rustling of cottonwoods and the smooth water in the acequias. 

The community center was going to serve a string of little enclaves, people that could trace their property directly back to the land grants from the King of Spain.  Despite their long history, they were still very rural, pretty much forgotten by the large voting blocks in the big cities.

I made the turn into the long driveway – a turn I had missed the first three times I had been out here, over the life of this project – and wound my way down to the building.  The building itself was nearly complete, and as I parked, I made note of the progress of the grading plan I had designed.  

Strangely, there were only two trucks here, mine and the architect’s.  

I wasn’t that early, was I? 

It was supposed to be a big meeting.  Where was everyone?  

I walked inside, and the space smelled like fresh paint and new wood.  

“Catalina!  Thanks for coming,” the architect stood from the makeshift table with a wide smile on his face.  

“Hey, James.”  I smiled nervously.  He was cute.  And that voice.  Gods, what I wouldn’t do for that voice.  “Where is everyone?” 

He sighed.  “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner, but the guy from the OSE couldn’t make it, and the owner just called – something came up over there, too.” 

If I were being honest, he didn’t look sorry at all.

“So it’s just the two of us?”  My heart began to race, and I bit my lip before I could stop myself.  

“I’m afraid so.” 

“That’s much of a meeting.”  I was just glad that I had come, instead of my boss, who’d be losing his shit right now.  

Still, my cunt clenched, as I thought about being alone with him.  

Too bad we’re all professionals here, and this isn’t some cheesy porn flick. 

As if on cue, he stepped a little closer to me.  It was closer than would have been considered polite.  “Catalina,” he said, the syllables dripping.

“Cat, please.  Everyone calls me Cat.”  I took a step back. 

I knew it was a mixed message.  I knew I should have been telling him to back the fuck off, not telling him to call me by my nickname.  But there was just something about him that made me want to… encourage him. 

He smiled, and it looked nearly predatory.  “Cat,” he said, taking another step toward me. 

A drop of fear slid down my spine as he forced me to back up again.  This time my shoulders hit the wall.  

My heartbeat was a flutter in my chest.  

He closed the distance that was left between us, effectively boxing me in against the wall.  “Cat.  You’re afraid, little cat.  Why are you afraid?”  

My eyes felt impossibly wide, my breath coming in short little gasps.  I was afraid.  

And yet… 

I blushed, feeling those cold drops of fear collect in the heat of my pussy.  I couldn’t look him in the eye, and I dropped my gaze.  Somehow, the floor seemed safe.   

“Oh, no.  You can’t do that,” he said.  

I felt his fingers on the bottom of my chin, and I mewled as he tipped my face back up to look at him.  Inwardly, some distant part of me cursed myself for sounding so fucking needy.

“This is too good.  You’re afraid… but there’s something else there, isn’t there, kitten?” 

I blushed deeper, feeling my cunt soak at the use of the nickname.

A nickname for a nickname? 

I shook my head, hoping – and not hoping – he’d let me go.  His fingers tightened around my jaw, and I moaned before I could help myself. 

Fucking slut.  Desperate, needy slut.

“I’ve been watching you for months,” he said.  “There’s always been something about you, but that’s it, isn’t it?”  

Again, I tried to shake my head.  

His eyes narrowed.  “Don’t lie to me, now, kitten.  Unless you want to get punished.” 

I screwed my eyes shut, moaning, prickles of sexual need crawing across my skin.  “No.  Please, no.” 

He let go of my chin and leaned in close to my ear.  Close enough to kiss.  “I think if I were to tell you to turn around right now and put your hands against the wall, you would.”  His warm breath tickled my earlobe, and I shivered for him.  “Wouldn’t you?” 

I wanted to cry.  I wanted to run.  

But most of all, I wanted to tell him that he was right. 

“You are so beautiful when you’re conflicted.”  He laughed, and it chills down my fingertips.  “I can see it on your face.  Go ahead, kitten – it’ll be our little secret.”  He placed his hand on the back of my shoulder.

Fuck, I wanted it.  

Some tension that I was holding released, and I let him guide my body so that I was facing the wall.  

I heard him suck in his breath.  “Put your hands against the wall.” 

I obeyed.  It felt so fucking good to obey him.  

His hands trailed over my hips and came to rest on my ass.  My heart was in my throat, waiting for the inevitable, as my brain switched off.  

I was going to let this happen, because I wanted it.  

His hands, his control, felt so good.  I hadn’t realized until that moment how much I had ached for his control.  All these months, working on this project, sending emails, making phone calls, going to meetings – I wanted this. Exactly what he was doing, right now.  

He pressed his groin against my ass.  “Tell me what you really want, kitten.  I want to hear it from you.”  He ground into me, and I arched my back.  “Then we can deal with your punishment for lying to me.” 

Photo by Ihssan Rami Azouagh on Unsplash

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