Erotic short fiction: The Chase

Run, girl.

I see you, I’m watching. 

In the dark of a dream, I’m watching you shiver and run.

Every bare footfall, sinking into the wet, black earth. You spiral deeper and deeper into the primal forest, every branch a heart racing fear, every leaf a waiting nightmare.

Run, girl. Faster.

I know you, and I know your movements. You telegraph them to the darkness like you want to be caught.

Is that it, girl? Do you want to be caught? Want to be ensnared?

I’m watching your muscles work, the sweat shiny and slick on your skin. You weave in between the shadows, trees, rocks, brambles, trying to escape.

But you’re so easy, too easy to track. Your panting breath gives you away, and your hair flashing behind you, reflecting the weak star light.


A reflection, so weak. Are you getting tired, girl? Are those long legs burning with exhaustion? 

You’re going to be caught. 

I’m going to capture you. In the darkness of the night and the forest, I’m going to overtake you.

You almost want that, don’t you?

Do you want to feel my strength, dragging you down? Pushing you down into the sucking mud of your own depravity?

Run, girl.

I like the chase. I like to see you work, futilely, hopelessly, to evade me. But it is a losing battle. Here, I will win. Here, in the shadows of your darkest nightmares, your darkest desires, you’re going to fall.


You’ve run for so long, haven’t you, girl? I see you. I’m watching. I see your exhaustion. Can you feel my breath on the back of your neck? My teeth snapping at your ear? Can you hear my growling voice, eager for the final pounce?

I can smell you. Your fear is a feast. I will capture you, devour you slowly, achingly, bite by bite. Inch by inch, I will possess you.

My hands grasp your waist, nails dig into the softness of your flesh. Your feet falter, slip.

The ground comes up to meet you, and I’m on top of you in an instant, pinning you down into the damp, cool earth. The heat of your body is intoxicating, and I luxuriate in your helpless little struggles and desperate, needy noises.

You want this.

I can feel it in your movements, in those squirming, gyrating circles of your beautiful wide hips. 

You can’t hide from me. 

I see you.

I see your darkness, your depravity, your needs that you keep in the secret recesses of your mind. Nothing about you is hidden from me. I can feel you shiver, feel you cry beneath me.

I love to let you run, because I love to capture you and remind you of what’s mine. Every filthy secret, every dirty thought. They all belong to me, along with that racing, fluttering heart pounding in your chest.

Photo by photo nic on Unsplash

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