Erotic Novella: The Marriage Consultant, Part 4

The fourth part of my erotic novella, The Marriage Consultant, a story about a relationship coach who uses some… alternative techniques.

All the parts of this story can be found here.

“What?” I said, not quite sure where this was going.  

“See, I made a deal when I called in — that you’d trade something special for your meal today.” 

“What?” I tried not to understand what she meant.

“Don’t be dense.  The nice man inside is expecting a big sloppy blowjob from you instead of cash.”  Gina grinned.  “Clear enough?” 

“Please tell me you’re joking.” 

She laughed.  “Not a bit.”

“Come on, please.  This is… this is real.”  I felt my breathing get faster.  

“Oh, absolutely.”  She looked amused.  “But you owe me, don’t you?”  When I didn’t respond, she continued. “Or, if you’d prefer, we could go back to the office and I could smear that gel in every delicate fold of your pretty little pussy.” 

God, she was so beautiful when she was threatening.  

I felt my pussy throb, and beads of sweat form on the back of my neck.  I couldn’t do the gel.  Of that, I was certain. 

Of course, that didn’t leave me much choice in my current situation.  I looked up at Gina in the mirror, watching the delight in her eyes at my realization.  

Sure, I blew men for a living, but trading a blowjob for take-out felt beneath me, dirty.  I blushed at the thought of it, trying to imagine the scenario in my head — where we’d do it, what I’d say.  I felt like my brain had leaked out through my pussy — I couldn’t even think of how to initiate this.

“What do I say?” my voice sounded small and nervous. 

Gina laughed.  “I don’t know, you’re the whore here, Alexis.” 

I blushed deeper.  “How about, ‘I don’t have any cash… Is there some other way I could pay you?’”  She shrugged.  “He’s expecting it already, so I really don’t think it matters too much.” 

I couldn’t believe this.  I would be angry, if I weren’t so horny.  But I didn’t have a lot of choice, and Gina knew it.  “Alright, fine.  But then we’re even, right?”

“Sure,” she said in tone that insinuated that we sure as hell weren’t.  She grinned again.  “Well, get going, then.” 

The walk from the car to the door felt like walking the plank.  Mercifully, the pickup area was deserted, save for the bored-looking young man behind the counter.  That should have been my first clue.  

“Hi, I have a pickup for… Alexis.”  I tried to sound normal, but I was finding it difficult to even make eye contact with the man.  

His eyes quickly darted to the screen in front of him.  “Got it right here.  Two lasagnas and a large Caesar salad?”  He looked up at me.  I nodded, shifting my weight nervously.  “That’ll be $32.78 with tax.  Do you need plates, napkins?”  I shook my head too fast, feeling like I was about to hyperventilate.  

“Umm, I…” I felt tears start to well up again.  “I don’t have any cash right now…” My face felt hot as I studied the counter laminate in front of me.  “… is there… another way, I could, um… pay you?” I swallowed hard, trying to remain standing. 

He didn’t respond right away, and so I managed to jar my gaze to him. 

He looked shocked, and a tad bit horrified. 

I knew immediately that he had not expected this at all; Gina had lied to me.  I could see from his face that he understood the implication, but it was clear he didn’t know what to say.  “Well, uh… ma’am.  We take credit and check, too.”    

I thought that trading a blowjob for food was going to be my humiliation for today, but I had not considered the possibility of my offer being rejected.  I felt my blush turn to crimson, all the way down my breasts.  “Um… yes.  Yes, of course.”  I stared at the counter again.  “Of course.  Sorry.”  It took me a couple of tries to fish my credit card out of my wallet, my hands were shaking so badly.  

Part of me was relieved as I swiped the card, part of me was furious at Gina, but most of me was dripping down the inside of my legs.  I had never expected that being so humiliated would be such a turn-on; my pussy ached and throbbed.  I grabbed the bag and darted out of the building as quickly as I could.  

Gina was grinning broadly as I got back in the car.  “How did it go?” 

“Um…. well, he didn’t exactly go for it.”  I felt the tears finally escape down my cheeks.

“Well, of course he didn’t, you dumb whore.  This isn’t some cheap porno flick.  You didn’t even get delivery.  I hear the delivery guys are much more into that sort of thing.”  She laughed, and I looked at her, betrayed, as two wet rivulets formed on my face.  I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.  “Really, though,” she continued, mockingly, “It was carry-out, for fuck’s sake.” 

“But you said…” I looked down.  “You lied to me.” 

I didn’t sound angry even to myself, I sounded small and sad.   

“Well, yes, I suppose I did.”  She considered for a moment.  “But it was worth it.  Tell me, what did his face look like when you asked him?  I want to know so I can bring myself off this week thinking about it and your delicious humiliation.”

My body felt empty, like a cavernous hole.  “I don’t know…” I trailed off as she started the car.  “Can we.. I don’t really want to talk about it, okay?” 

“No, tell me all about it.  Because I can turn this car around and take you right back to the office.”  She paused.  “And I’m sure you can guess what’ll happen there.” 

 I cried a little more, feeling trapped.  “Please, Gina.  Please, it was so embarrassing.”

“I’m sure it was.  So tell me every detail.”  Her voice had that low, threatening quality to it again.  I gave up.  I recounted every small detail from the exchange, and she ate up every word.  “God, it’s so hot making you humiliate yourself like a common street whore.”  She smiled darkly into the rearview mirror at me.  “I like it.  I thought I liked making you suffer through your chastity, but this is better.  Much better.”  I closed my eyes, willing myself to disappear into the car’s upholstery.  I knew this wouldn’t be the last time this would happen.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

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