Erotic Novella: The Marriage Consultant, Part 3


All the parts of this story can be found here.

At some point — I’m not really sure when — she decided our appointment, and my weekly torture, had run its allotted time.  She peeled off the three layers of fabric from my hip bones, now soaked through with my juices.  She piled them on the floor next to me, as she always did, with not a small amount of disgust.  I was never quite sure what she thought at that point, but I was always a little embarrassed by her reaction, and I was always grateful I had her to help me with this … weekly duty.  

Gina sighed, frustrated herself.  “Well, listen.  Since you never really answered my question from before — “ I saw her roll her eyes, and I blushed a little, “ — why don’t we just say you give me an IOU for this week?  That way you can think of something appropriate when you’re a little more clear-headed.”  

I was so grateful for the delay, I agreed immediately, not really thinking of the possible consequences.  Something to ponder later — and then suddenly a thought struck me.  I remained bound, watching her beautiful body move gracefully from one drawer to the next, putting our supplies away.  “What if you… “ I caught myself, “Please, ma’am… what if you… could you show me,” I choked on my next words, “How a real woman cums?”  I nearly choked on the blush that enveloped me.  

The frightening smile returned to her lips as she turned her gaze back to me.  I turned away, embarrassed.  “You want me to show you what you’re missing?” 

“Yes… please.” I immediately regretted my request.

I had never seen her cum before; our weekly sessions had just been her edging me, then relocking the belt and sending me back on my way.  This represented a turning point from business as usual.  She situated herself across from me on the stone bench, legs splayed lewdly.  She began to tease herself, much like she did me, with the vibrator.  

Her eyes closed slowly as she neared her climax, breathing quickly.  “Beg me, slut.  Beg me to show you the pleasure you’ve been missing.” 

I was enraptured, as I watched her hands flow across her breasts and nipples.  I was suddenly at a loss for words, feeling the muscles in my belly clench in unbridled need.  My body remembered the feeling of orgasm, the delicious crest of pent-up energy.  It had been so long, too long.  My regret intensified as I felt my eyes fill with tears of frustration.  

Gina pulled the vibrator away from herself, stopping just before her climax.  She grinned, catching her breath while clearly enjoying my reaction.  “I can’t hear you, darling,” her voice was too sweet.        

I forced myself to look at her.  The crushing weight of humiliation felt… almost good.  “Please, ma’am.   Please show me what I can’t have.”  

She smiled and leaned back.

Watching the crest of her pleasure was amazing, as I lay across from her, feeling my pussy throb.  I could almost remember what it felt like.  I just knew I wanted it, and badly. 

With a satisfied look on her face, Gina looked languidly up at me.  

“That, my dear, is how a woman should come.”  She sounded smug.  “Okay, last one.”  I tensed as she brought the vibrator to my clit, once again.  It didn’t take me long to reach the edge, and subsequently, for the delicious vibrations to cease.  

I whimpered.  “Please, ma’am.  Please, I’m desperate.”  My voice sounded raspy.  

Gina looked at me, her eyes cold.  “Desperate?  Hmm, maybe I have something here to help…”  She shuffled through some drawers, finally finding the coveted item and holding it up for me to see.  It was arousal gel, some chemical mishmash that, I knew from experience, left my pussy warm and aching for days.  We hadn’t used it since the very beginning of my chastity.  On top of how my body felt now, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to function. 

I felt my eyes grow wide.  “No, please.  Please… I can’t.  I couldn’t.  Please, Gina!” 

“So you do remember!  It’s been such a long time, hasn’t it?”  she said, singsongy.  “Hey, tell you what — I’ll count this as your IOU, okay?” 

“No, please.  I won’t be able… I won’t be able to do anything.”  I felt tears start to form.  “Please, anything but that.  … Anything,” I begged.  

She looked disappointed. 

“Anything, huh?  Well, okay then.  I guess I’ll have to come up with something else for you to do for me.”

I couldn’t remember ever being more grateful.  “Oh my god, thank you.  Thank you, thank you…” I trailed off, relieved.  My pussy still throbbed distractingly, but at least I could go without that infernal gel making it worse.  Gina carefully fitted the shield back on my chastity belt, and I groaned with the finality of it.  It was always a torture putting the device back on, on top of an inflamed cunt.  Another week before I would get any sensation again, even if not satisfaction.

I let Gina open the car door for me, like she always had.  Despite what had just transpired, she was back to being the perfect assistant I had grown to know and love.  I thought it a little strange, how she could so easily slip from one persona to the other.  My head had just cleared the window frame when I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to bring lunch home with me.  “Shit,” I blurted out.

A look of concern washed over Gina’s face.  “What?  What is it?” 

I let out a breath.  “Sorry, I just remembered that I told Slade I’d bring him lunch.”

“Oh, that’s not a problem.  I’ll put in a call to Vinny’s and we’ll pick it up on the way there.” 

I smiled.  “That’d be perfect, thank you so much.” 

She shut the door and pulled out her phone.  Moments later, we were on our way.  

Gina pulled into the pick-up parking space in front of Vinny’s, one of our favorite Italian places.  It was a gem of a restaurant, this far out of Los Angeles.  Luckily, I noticed that it wasn’t terribly busy at the moment; I figured, thankfully, that Gina should be able to get in and out with a minimum of fuss.             

However, once the car was in park, Gina didn’t get out.  I looked at her, confused.  “What’s going on?” I sounded a little shaky, mostly from the previous hour we’d spent together, but also because I didn’t want to incite a punishment from Slade for being late.  

“So sorry I didn’t tell you on the way, dear.  I’ve decided how you’re going to pay me your IOU today, after all.”  She looked at me evilly through the rearview mirror, and I felt my stomach drop. 

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