Short Erotic Fiction: The Problem with Cryptozoology

The last thing she remembered was the purple dust.

It filled the air around her, got into her eyes. Every particle that landed on her skin tingled, before her vision darkened and she lost the thread of reality.

Oh, yes, of course they had told her — don’t go out into the forest by yourself.

They had told her, she just didn’t listen.

And now, with the violet haze seeping into the pores of her skin, her breath caught. Everything buzzed and tingled. She thought she might have moaned, as the spores or dust or whatever it was invaded her body.

Then she felt the hands.

Big, much too big.

Hands that dwarfed her body. She had the thought that she must feel like a toy in their grip. And everywhere they touched, the effect of the dust was magnified, making every nerve scream with desire and raw need.

It was dark and she was naked.

How did she end up naked?

It was an irrelevant question, with the hands on her. So big, so strong. Holding her.

Bending her over.

Something big was between her legs. Much too big. Maybe an arm or a leg. It moved between her ass cheeks, and it was much too big to be there.

She screamed as her legs were kicked apart. The dawning realization hit her like a burning light in the darkness. She opened her eyes and screamed. Her hips seemed like they might be wrenched apart, as the hands held her still and the… protrusion pushed at her opening.

There was a dim light in the distance, and her eyes made out green and yellow fingers around her rib case, caked in purple dust. A finger snaked up her breasts, over her throat, and between her lips.

The purple dust was sweet, and it popped and tingled on her tongue.

Her thoughts evaporated as the finger violated her mouth, pushing deeper and deeper into her body. It felt so… good. Wet. Deep. Into her throat, so deep. Deeper than her rational mind could comprehend.

The protrusion pushed at her opening, and she moaned. She needed it inside of her. Only the blinding, desperate need to be filled.

Fingers tightened around her waist, and a growl filled her ears from behind her. Her mouth went slack as the bulbous thing between her legs pushed and stretched.

She could feel the effects of the purple dust, so much stronger now that it was inside of her body. It grew and spread inside, making her wet and needy.

The thing holding her continued to spear itself into her pussy, and it felt so good. It was so wide, so big, but she knew she was empty and it was the perfect complement. She could feel its unreal hands tighten as it pushed inside of her.

Don’t go into the forest alone. There are monsters.

She hadn’t believed them. There’s no such thing as monsters. There are only wonders of nature we haven’t cataloged yet.

She screamed again, but this time is was pure animalistic need. She pushed back against the cock in her pussy, and it stopped.

It stopped moving.

She thought she might cry.

The low growl from the thing behind her became its own scream, and it pushed its impossibly wide knot into her wet, waiting body.

What should have been pain, wasn’t.

Thoughts, feelings, desires — popped and fizzled in a dizzying shower of violet. She was empty, an empty vessel. Nothing, except something to be filled.

The hot liquid pumped inside of her.

She could feel its cock pulsing and spasming madly, pushing its cum into every secret place inside of her. It seemed so much hotter than should be normal, but that thought was quickly washed away under a deluge of cum.

She was being filled up.

The slime kept pumping into her body, held fast with its massive knot. She felt herself relax under the comforting bath of the monster’s cum.

This was right. This was good. She was empty and needed to be filled.

The sweetness of the purple dust lingered in her mouth, and that was good, too.

The thing brought her to the ground, and it snuggled up behind her. They were still connected, and that was good. It was good to be connected.

It pushed into big fingers back into her mouth, and she sucked and licked at the sweet dust that covered them. Every lick brought a new wave of desire across her skin, and that was good.

Don’t go alone into the forest.

There are monsters.

Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash

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