Erotic fiction: The War of Stone and Fire, Chapter 1

The pale morning sunlight streamed through the bars of the dungeon window, sending shafts of dirty yellow light scattered across the dirt floor. I looked at the man in front of me, shackles around both wrists and a heavy metal collar around his neck. 

If I were honest, I would’ve admitted to the beauty of him, even laying there, captured as he was. His dark hair lay in ringlets around his shoulders, arranged artfully, as if in defiance of the dank and dirt of this place. His jaw showed stubble growth of the four weeks he had been imprisoned, and it gave his face an undeniable masculine edge.  If I were honest, I would have admitted to the desire to run my fingers along his chin, just to feel it.

But it was not my place to be honest here. 

This man was the prince from the kingdom to the north, the kingdom that I have been warring with my own for a decade. His was the kingdom who had ravaged my village and taken my sister hostage – enslaved her, probably – when I was only a young thing myself. That had been in the beginning of the war, but the memory of that raiding party who left my home in ruins and my family broken was burned into my memory. I still remember the sound of my sister’s screams, her pitiful begging before one of them hit her so hard I could hear the crack of bone in her jaw.

I haven’t seen my sister since that day.

No, the man in front of me may have been beautiful, but he was the enemy. I don’t know if he was part of the army that burned my village that day, but in my mind, it didn’t matter. When I looked at him, all I could think of was revenge.

I watched the magically inebriated man in front of me, peacefully sleeping. I remembered what the court magicians told me.  

This man, the prince, is dangerous. You’re not the first who has been tasked with breaking him. There have been three before you, all of which he has killed with his bare hands. Do not underestimate him. Keep the shackles tight and be sure to administer the potion to drain his strength.

I shivered. I never saw the remains of the women that had come before me, but I had heard the rumors. 

Bloody, broken bodies left in his wake. I didn’t want to be the next victim; I wanted to be the one to make this man suffer, like he had made me suffer all these years. 

The yellow potion sat on the table behind me, the bottle half empty but still corked. I knew he would be out for a while, unless I did something to fix that. Next to the bottle there were a number of implements, and I smiled to myself as I looked them over: gags, whips, canes, and a selection of other things that made me blush. There were dildos of all sizes and soft sucking devices meant to drain the man completely.

I took a deep breath as I remembered my sergeant’s instructions, as they were repeated to me only an hour ago.

Drain the prince of his vital essence, use whatever method you prefer. Wherever it ends up inside your body, the court magicians will extract it. With this, we will destroy the integrity of the north kingdom from within.

In a way, I hated the thought of taking this man’s seed anywhere in my body. The thought itself was repulsive, but I trusted the plan of my superior officers. It didn’t matter how I felt about it, just as long as his kingdom was left in the same burning ruins as was my own home. 

I grabbed the bucket of water that was sitting next to the door and walked over to him. With one great splash I covered him with that icy water, and he sputtered awake in his chains. I saw his eyes pop wide open in panic, and the color of them took me aback. They were the brightest green I’d ever seen on another person, like the first spring pedals of crocus peeking out from the snow.

I tried not to see the beauty of them, I tried to imagine plucking them out of his face, while he screamed for mercy. I tried to remember my sister’s own screens for mercy as she was dragged away the day she was captured. 

Cold, hard anger, by now a familiar friend, settled back into my body, on the tail of that memory. 

It didn’t matter if he was beautiful. I would make him suffer.

He struggled in his chains, his eyes trying to focus on me. There was too much white around his irises, and they got wider the longer he looked at me. His movements were sluggish, drugged as he was, and then he started screaming.

“No, no, no!“ He tried to skitter away from me, but there was nowhere for him to go. He ended up plastering himself against the stone wall of the dungeon, all while repeating that same word, while shaking his head. “I killed you. I – I watched you die. How can this…” 

There was a wracked sob that shuddered through his body, as he closed his eyes again, as if willing himself back to the sweet release of sleep.

I smiled to myself, taking the win, knowing that he was already so tortured.

I didn’t know why, but I didn’t need to know why. The point was that he was hurting, and that was enough for me. 

I slowly turned  to him with a smile on my face that I knew did not reach my eyes. “Good morning, you piece of shit.” I landed a hard kick right into his ribs, and his groan of pain warmed my heart. “Now be a good boy for me today, or tomorrow I’ll find something worse to put in that bucket, besides water.”

I wrapped my hands through all of his hair, trying not to think about how incredibly soft it felt in my fingers, and I pulled his head back.

I let a glob of spit fly, landing squarely between those intoxicating eyes. “Have you taken your medicine today?“ I made my voice lyrical, mocking.

He clenched his teeth. “I don’t know what sorcery is this, but I will kill you just like I killed the rest of them. I will rip your throat out, rip those poisonous lips right off on your face. The second you turn your back, I promise you, witch, you are dead.”

I smiled at him knowing that would never happen. I wouldn’t be making the same mistake that the women before me made.  The stories abounded in whispered shadows, about the things he did to them.

I had skin in this game. And this is my chance – I wasn’t going to waste it.

“Of course, sweetheart. You tell yourself whatever you have to. But I have a job to do. And that job is to destroy your kingdom before it destroys mine.“

I fitted the ring gag into his mouth, grateful for the potion’s lingering effects from his last dose. I uncorked the bottle, taking a sniff, and almost retched myself. The stuff smelled vile, and I was glad that it wasn’t for me. I poured a generous glug of it down his waiting throat, holding his head back as I watched him helplessly swallow it.

He slumped in his chains immediately, as the potion took effect.

Good, I thought. Just sit there and take it. 

The magicians’ instructions reverberated through my mind. Break the prince, drain his seed.

I shucked off the filthy rags that passed for pants if you were a prisoner, and I tried not to vomit as the reality of what I had to do pressed its full weight onto my consciousness. 

He was already half erect, somehow, but I knew that would not be enough.

I took a step back, so he would have the best view for what I was about to do. “Maybe you’d like a little show first?“

The prince shook his head .“No, please no. Not again.“ I saw the first shivering tear slide down his filthy cheek, and my heart leapt with joy. “Please don’t do this to me again.“  His voice already sounded broken.

“I think so. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?“ I shimmied my hips, turning my back to him, but keeping an eye out over my shoulder. 

I knew what it would look like – like I was being coy or mischievous, but I wasn’t stupid. This man was still dangerous. 

I dropped the first sleeve of my dress off of my shoulder, and his eyes were glued to my every movement. As I rolled my hips to the music that only I could hear, I hitched up my dress to give him the barest hint of my unadorned skin. He made a needy little noise, and I knew that my plan was working. I dropped the other sleeve and held the bodice of my dress, still covering my breasts. “Tell me you want to see more, sweetheart.”

“No,” he whispered, his eyes full of pain.

But I saw that his cock was now at full attention, and my smile widened. “Your body tells me differently,“ I said. “Are you a liar, as well as a murderer?”

His voice became hard again, to match. “You are dead. You just don’t know when yet. I swear to the gods that I will kill you, just like I killed all before you.“ His eyes dropped to the floor for half a second, before meeting mine again. “No matter how much you look like her.“

I shrugged and swayed my hips gently out of my dress, letting it pool onto the floor.

There was nothing underneath, and I watched his eyes widen even further.

I got down on my hands and knees, feeling the coolness of the dirt underneath me, and crawled toward him. I took a tentative lick around the head of his cock, and I was rewarded with a whimper from the captured man in front of me.

“No… No, please…”

“Oh yes,“ I replied. “Oh, fuck yes.“ I pushed the head of his cock between my lips, and felt another shudder run through his body, as if he was trying his hardest not to thrust into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the sensitive underside of him, and he made a strangled noise that sounded like a symphony to my ears.

I swallowed him down, all the way to the base, and massaged him with my throat. I’d been trained for months for this very purpose, and I knew that he did not stand a chance. I took long, deep strokes, sucking gently, making my mouth and throat as much like a pussy as I could make it. I dragged a finger around the edge of his balls, feeling how heavy and full they were.

Soon, I knew everything in them would be mine, and that he – and his kingdom with him – would be destroyed. 

The thought soothed some anxiety in me, as some old pain was released at the thought of this man’s destruction. I needed this. This was the catharsis I needed.

I sucked him deep and fast, as I teased my finger lower toward his ass. 

I didn’t care if he liked it, that would be irrelevant. This will simply make the whole process go faster. Quicker to cum, more times to cum in a single day. And the more cum I got, the better. The possibility of his pleasure never even occurred to me.

As I pressed my finger into his asshole and rubbed against that special spot inside of him, he groaned and began trusting desperately into my mouth.

Men were so easy to manipulate, it was really quite shocking. 

Here is a man who is responsible for the lives of tens of thousands. He was a man who had murdered countless. And yet here he was helpless at the press of my finger and the lick of my tongue.

I let his thrusting grow more eager, more desperate, letting him slide into his own destruction. It took only moments before he was spurting his seed into my mouth. 

I swallowed, licking my lips. I gave him a cute, completely disingenuous smile. “Thank you, your highness,“ I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

As his body slumped again against the wall, I knew that this was just going to be the first of many that day. And today would be the first of many days, each filled with hours and hours of beautiful torture.

I made a note to myself, as I have been instructed, regarding where this load of his cum had gone. I wasn’t sure exactly the extraction method, but I had been promised that it was no worse than simply vomiting; I hoped that they weren’t exaggerating for my own benefit. 

But that was a problem for this evening, not right now.

I walked up to the prince again and laid a hard backhand against his face, taking perverse joy in the way that his head snapped to the side. “You can’t go to sleep on me now,“ I said. “I’m not done with you yet. Not by a long shot.”

I situated his limp muscle to put him on all fours with his bare ass facing me. Again, I toyed with this asshole, looking at the plethora of toys that were available to be sitting on the table. “Let’s see how much the big bad prince likes getting fucked like a little whore.”

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Photo by DIEGO SÁNCHEZ on Unsplash

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