Erotic short fiction: Girl, Modified, Part 5

Eli watched Rafael’s cock move between his wife’s wet, eager lips.  He stood, awkwardly, watching the other man violate her mouth as multicolored images silhouetted his frame.  

The other parts of this story can be found here.

Rafael wrapped his hands through Tori’s dark hair, forcing himself further into her throat.  She shuddered under his grasp, but then visibly relaxed.  He looked at Eli, and the look wasn’t friendly.  “See how she gives in, Eli?  See how docile she is?” 

He pulled out, until only a string of saliva connected the two of them, before plunging himself back into her, all the way down.  

Eli watched his fingers tighten as her face was pressed against his torso, holding her still.  He imagined the length of the other man’s cock deep in her throat, and he thought about the uvula removal that he had done on his tenth specimen.  He assumed it had been necessary, but watching Tori’s throat accept Rafael’s cock… maybe he had been wrong. 

Maybe he had been wrong.  The stupidity of that thought roared through his body, even as he struggled to overcome his arousal at watching his partner use his wife in this depraved way.  

Of course he had been wrong. 

He had been wrong about so many things. 

He had been wrong to trust Rafael in the first place.  It had been wrong to think that Rafael would uphold his end of their bargain. 

Eli battered himself inside his own mind, as the seconds dripped by, and yet Rafael still did not loosen his grip.

Tori’s shoulders slumped in their bonds.  

A horrible thought occurred to him.  She wasn’t fighting him, wasn’t struggling.  She was going to let him deprive her of oxygen until she passed out.  

And then what?

How many times had he done this to her?  How had he overcome the fight in her? 

“The uvula removal is not strictly necessary, as you can see,” Rafael said, still unmoving.  Tori twitched, but that was the only response she showed.  “While you were dutifully completing your ten little fuckdolls, I was here, training your wife’s throat.”  He grinned at Eli.  “It’s amazing what one can accomplish through orgasm denial and training.”  

Tori’s head lulled to one side, and Rafael pulled his cock free.  She drooped forward, terribly still.  

Eli’s heart raced.  He wanted to go to her, but found that he couldn’t make himself move.  

“Ready?” the other man asked, as an evil smile crawled across his face.  He held her chin in his hand, though her eyes were still closed.  He slapped her, quick and hard. 

Her eyes fluttered open, and a lazy smile quirked her lips. 

“Good girl, Tori,” he cooed.  Then, to Eli, he said, “Do you know how long it took me to train her to smile every time I slapped her?”  He shook his head and laughed, as if recalling a particularly pleasant memory.  “Of course you don’t.  A month and a half.  It took me a month and a half to train your wife to smile at me after I slapped her.”    

Rage boiled through Eli’s veins. Rage… and insidious, undeniable arousal.  He shifted to rearrange his now-hard cock.  His breath came in shallow little gasps as the conflicting emotions buffeted his hazy thoughts.  

He said he hadn’t hurt her.

But then again, Rafael had said so many things.  What was one more lie, in a heap of them? 

Still, the words came unbidden. “You said you wouldn’t hurt her!” Rafael cocked his head, running his fingers through Tori’s hair, almost like a pet.  “I said I wouldn’t hurt her, much.”

Tori still stared up at him, like he was the sun itself.  

Eli swallowed, seeing that look of pure adoration on his wife’s face, for another man.  Had she ever looked at him that way?  He closed his eyes as he realized the answer.  No.  That realization broke something inside of him, but he didn’t have the wherewithal to examine exactly what that was right now.  But that piece became unmoored, like an iceberg floating into the freezing ocean.  The edges of his emotion became gray, icy.  There was a new deadness in his mind, watching her look at him like that. 

“He hasn’t hurt me,” Tori said, her voice slow and happy, still not taking her eyes off of Rafael.  

Rafael cupped her reddened cheek, like one might with a lover, and ran his fingers over the ridge of her cheekbone.  “I haven’t hurt you, darling.  Of course I haven’t.” 

She leaned into his touch.  Eli watched as if in a dream, hazy and pinholed in the light.  

She couldn’t be like that with him.  He shook his head, like he was trying to clear it.  No.  Not after all this time, with him trying to save her.

This was all his fault.

A small, broken sound escaped his throat.  If he hadn’t… 

Oh, God, if he hadn’t gotten involved in any of this, then he would never be living this awful reality.  It was all his fault.  

He should have never trusted Rafael.  He had been so stupid, so naive. 

“Do you want to make your wife cum, Eli?” Rafael asked, his voice an awful caricature of civility.  

Did he?

The question floated in the air between the three of them.  Did he?

The freezing ocean of Eli’s mind grabbed at the thought, reaching for the memory of giving his wife – Victoria – pleasure.  Of having her writhe underneath him, screaming her orgasm.  Screaming his name.

Whose name would she be screaming, now?

The tension he hadn’t realized he was holding evaporated from his body.  There was a finality to it that was undeniable.  It wouldn’t be his.  He knew that.  

And yet…

He had to do something.  The mind is an incredibly, torturously resilient thing, some days.  Even with the drug coursing through his mind, there was still a tiny shred of knowledge, that if he did not do something, that she would be lost to him forever.  

Lost in Rafael’s arms.  

And then everything he had been through would have been in vain.  All that time, all the anxiety, everything.  Everything from the past year would have been wasted.  Eli could not allow that.  He pushed through the gray, sucking haze in his mind to formulate the only answer he could give.  It had been, in fact, the only answer that he had ever been able to give Rafael. 

Something about that realization should have bothered him.   

But what’s one more cut, when you’re already hemorrhaging?

Eli nodded.  “Yes, I want to make her cum.” 

Rafael’s smile widened, filling his expression with a gleeful sadism.  “Good.  Let’s get her resituated, then.  Help me.” 

The feeling of concrete around Eli’s feet melted, and the compulsion to help permeated his mind. 

Rafael unhooked her wrists, catching her slack form before she hit the floor.  He scooped her up and laid her on her back on the kitchen table.  “Pull her knees apart.”  

Eli found himself obeying without thinking, looking at his wife’s swollen pink pussy, clit engorged to monstrous proportions.  It had been nearly a year since he had seen her, and the sight of her dripping cunt made his mind go blank. 

She whimpered, squirming under his gaze.  “Please.  Please, make me cum.” 

“Don’t move, Tori.  Do I have to bind you?” 

She stiffened, like she had been struck.  “No, Sir.”

“Good girl.”  Rafael turned his attention to Eli.  “Now, you’re going to lick that needy cunt.  Understand?  The antidote won’t allow her cum for a while, so you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the silly little things she says when she’s right on the cusp of cumming.”  He grinned.  “God knows I’ve been enjoying them down here.” 

Eli closed his eyes as Rafael’s latest barb stabbed through his chest.  It felt like an aching void, now, frozen and burning at the same time.  He lowered himself to be level with her pussy, just as Rafael plunged his cock back down her throat.    

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Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

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