Erotic fiction: Love in Idleness, Chapter 3

‘I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell

to die upon the hand I love so well.’

The deputy warden entered with a sprite of a woman, naked save for a lacy thong.  Her eyes upturned naturally, which gave the impression of a continuous look of mischief.  Cora stared openly at her little tits, perfect on her body, with hard pink nipples.  She took the offered glass of water from Antonio and took a long swig.

“Viola.”  Antonio’s single word served as the woman’s introduction.  

“Sir,” she replied.  

“Julia tells me that you have bewitched her heart.” 

“We are in love, yes.”  Viola’s eyes turned into happy crescents at the mention of her lover. 

Antonio sighed.  “And what do you expect me to do, here?” 

The two lovers looked longingly at each other.  Viola spoke for the two of them.  “Please speak with Francesca, Sir.  Please, Julia is the beat of my very heart.  I cannot live without her.  Don’t force her to go with Francesca.  We are meant to be together.” 

“And do you agree, Julia?”  Antonio turned toward her, his eyebrows raised.  

“I love her, Sir.  I believe we are meant for each other.” 

“You love each other.”  His voice was flat, full of irony, and it made Cora’s heart race.  “I see.”  Again, he picked up the phone.  “Yes, I’m sorry to bother you so late, honey.  …Yes, yes, I know.  But I’m really going to need you to stop by the center tonight.  …Yes, I’m sorry.  Yes, tonight.  …No, I can’t wait.  …Yes.  Thank you.  See you in a bit, darling.” 

The sound of the phone hitting the cradle seemed terribly final. 

Antonio walked back around to stand in front of Julia and Viola. 

“Julia is promised to Francesca.  That’s the word of the law.  You have to know I don’t have the power to reverse that.” 

“But Sir!” Viola started.  “Please, I beg you.  I cannot live without her, the blood in my own veins.” 

Antonio smiled, but again it was without humor.  “Francesca’s going to make a special visit, and then we’ll see what she says.  In the meantime…”  He reached for the heavy wooden panel hanging on the wall.  “Let’s see how much you really love each other.  Julia, my sweet dumb cunt, lay yourself across the desk for me.  Just like before.” 

Cora watched in rapt attention as Julia positioned herself.  The little voice in her head that told her to walk out earlier, was getting quieter and quieter.  

“… Before?”  Viola whispered, almost to herself.  “Julia, my love, did he punish you already?”

Julia smiled sadly, and an angry flush rose over her lover.

“Okay girls.  Here are the rules.  Thirty strokes, between the two of you.  I’ll let you decide between you who gets them.” 

Julia started crying, her ass already stinging.  

“Please, don’t hurt her.  I’ll take them,” Viola said.  

“Very well, switch places.” 

Viola draped herself across the desk, steeling herself for Antonio’s assault.  

Antonio handed the paddle to Julia.  “You’ll do the paddling, and I’ll make sure they’re hard enough.  Too soft, and we’ll repeat the stroke.  Is that clear?” 

The puffy-lipped brunette’s eyes got wide.  “I couldn’t… Can’t.  I just can’t.”  

Antonio smiled, and it made Cora’s own cunt clench.  “Would you like to switch places with her again?”  

“Do it, Julia.  It’ll be alright,” said Viola, her cheek against the desk top.  

Julia, resigned, lined up her stroke, and smacked Viola’s cute, perky butt.  A single tear ran down her cheek. 

“Tsk, no, I’m sorry, darling.  Too soft.  Try again.  I want you to really lay into her.” 

Julia tried again, hitting a bit harder.  After Antonio shook his head, she tried again, putting all her strength into it.  She was rewarded with a solid scream from Viola, and a stream of her own tears.  

“Yes, good.  Punish her for trying to steal you away from your rightful owner.”

The word owner, and the crying women in front of her, sent shivers down Cora’s spine.  She knew she should get up, stop this, walk out.  But she just couldn’t make herself do it.  The whole scene was like a dream.  

Julia laid seven more additional strokes on her lover’s ass, leaving both of them a sobbing mess.  “Please, please, Sir.  No more.  Please, I can’t.  Please, let me take her place.  I can’t hurt her any more.” 

“Julia… no, please.  Please, just keep going,” Viola begged.  “Please, punish me.” 

“Julia, see how Viola begs?  She knows that you belong to Francesca.  She knows she’s done wrong,” Antonio chided.  “And now she is begging for your punishment.” 

A weeping Julia gave another six smacks, but the last was half-hearted.  

“Repeat,” said Antonio, coolly.  “Viola, I think she’s doing this on purpose.” 

Viola keened helplessly as another set of four strokes hit her bruised ass, full force.  Her skin was a mottled overlay of vivid reds and purples.

Julia’s head and arm dropped.  “Please, Sir.  Let me switch places with her.” 

Antonio grinned.  “Of course, darling.”

The two women switched places, Viola’s unmistakeable glare meeting Julia’s tear-filled eyes.  “I’m sorry,” she said.  “I did… my best, Viola.” 

Viola took the paddle, the sinewy muscles flexing below her shoulders. 

“You did your best, Julia, and now I’ll do mine.”  She turned her glare toward Antonio.  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, too.” 

A series of thirteen ruthless smacks connected with Julia’s jiggling ass, making her scream and beg incoherently.  Viola’s face was contorted in her own obvious misery. 

“She shows her love for you in such strange ways, doesn’t she, Julia?” Antonio asked, holding her down against the desk.  “You sure someone who hurts you this much, really loves you?”

“Julia, sweetheart.  Of course I love you,” Viola cried, letting the paddle drop to the floor.  “Please don’t listen to him; he’s doing this on purpose, you know.  You know that, right?”    

Julia only laid there, shaking and crying softly.  

“You’re a monster,” Viola hissed to Antonio.  

“Am I?  You subvert the law, and I’m the monster?” he answered, seemingly unperturbed.  “I do the best I can for the rehabilitative process for all our… residents.  Sometimes, that requires discipline.  Maybe you need more of a reminder?”  

Viola blew out her breath.  “No, Sir.”    

Cora took the last sip of water.  The tips of her fingers tingled, and she clenched her hands subconsciously.  The voice in her head screamed silently for her to run and escape this nightmare. 

But as she watched Antonio arrange the two women to face the wall, their hands laced behind their heads, her eyes were fixed to the developing bruises on their backsides.

“Cora,” Antonio said, laying a hand on her shoulder.  Startled, she looked up at him.  “Cora, I think we ought to continue our discussion outside.  Let me show you the rest of the facility.” 

“Yes,” she replied, and had to swallow the Sir that wanted to bubble up naturally behind it.  She shook her head, as if to clear it, and took a deep breath.  “… Yes, let’s.”  Maybe if she were closer to the exit, and not in this office, it’d be easier to walk out.   

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Photo by Khaled Ghareeb on Unsplash

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